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Chapter 82 Nikki

  • What a busy morning! After a quick shower, I dressed in training clothes and threw a t-shirt in my backpack for when we're amongst humans. A quick breakfast and we loaded everyone up in Luna Fran's Durango while two warriors drove the moving van and two followed in a car behind.
  • "I booked three rooms in Kansas City, MO and three in Rawlins, WY as our stops, since this is a 36 hour drive," Luna Fran told us. "I also reached out to Luna Hope of the Desert Moon Pack in Nevada so you will have a contact from the local pack should you need anything," she continued.
  • "Thank you Luna for everything. You have been so kind and supportive through this whole thing. I am more grateful than you know," I expressed. Luna Fran laughed and said she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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