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Chapter 68

  • Marilyn's POV
  • Adeline's visit had helped me realize that I needed to give myself a little bit more time to just be me. She knew that I was going to dread going back to work after the incidents that hard occurred. It was going to be even harder to get back to work when two of the men I was interested in were my bosses. The tension in the room would be too much for either of us to bare. Adeline reminded me that I wasn't the kind of woman to stay in one place full of turmoil. I couldn't be in a place where rain came in form of flames, after all, I was trying to put myself out too. Perhaps it was it time to turn a new leaf, or at least make a new start. I told her so. She understood and agreed with what I'd said. "What are you thinking about?" She asked me as she sat down on the edge of my bed. "I'm going to use the money that I've been saving and investing to build my own businesses!"
  • Adeline promised she'd support me in any way she could. But I preferred to try and do things from my own pocket, she said to call her if I faced a shortage on anything at least, to which I agreed. If I left it up to Adeline, she'd have sponsored everything, she had managed to build her own businesses too, mostly hotels, so support the baby incase anything went wrong in her marriage or with the royal family. It was from her that I learnt to think ahead. I had saved a lot of money ever since I got the job that I was ever so grateful for, but the time came for me to close a certain chapter of my life.
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