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Chapter 65

  • Marilyn's POV
  • The office got extra busy, with the new changes being made and Lorenzo not showing up as often as he used to. Conner was usually in his office taking calls and dealing with multiple plan approvals. Some of which he had to run by Lorenzo. Jamie looked like she was burning herself out trying to keep up with Lorenzo. Sometimes, he would travel out of the country to attend to different branches and make sure that things were running smoothly. Sometimes, he would be in his office having online meetings with other managers to get things organized, all while making decisions on how to run the place better.
  • Conner had been trying to take it easy on me with work because of the incident that had happened some days ago. If anything, he was ready to give me a week off just so he could be certain that I had recovered. Personally speaking, I didn't want a chance to be alone with my thoughts for a long time. The thrill of life was a pill I had overdosed on a time too many to have been worried about that incident taking over me like it did the first time. However, the fear of having someone truly and deeply get involved with me was something I just didn't expect.
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