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Chapter 36

  • Adeline's POV
  • By the time I reached the warehouse door, it was raining heavily, preventing me from getting a better view of the massive building. Even from a distance, it looked like a fortress, and the closer I got, the more I could see its sheer height. I found Lucy at her post, leaning on a support beam near the back door. "Oh, would you look at that? You're really smart not to bring your Sweetheart," she said as I approached, "Where's Marilyn? I asked. "She's hanging upside down on a forklift and one of my guys is making sure she's a good girl."," she cheekily replied.
  • I rushed in and when I saw it, my breath caught quickly in my chest and sent shivers down my spine. Hanging from the forklift was none other than Marilyn, who barely fit into her tattered clothes, her bra and underwear exposed, showing off her figure. It was such a shocking scene that I was speechless.
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