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Chapter 8

  • Leopold wiped his mouth in silence before downing his last sip of wine and standing up from the table. The noise of the chair scratching against the wooden floor distracting their conversation. "I have a lot of work to catch up tonight, so excuse me. Sophia ,' he puts on his best smile toward the blonde. "It's been a pleasure. Make yourself at home, hm?"
  • "Will do. Thank you, Mr. White." Despite the uneasy feeling that the man gave off to her, Sophia smiles right back.
  • He gives his daughter a gentle and loving squeeze against one of her shoulders, leans down and places a sweet kiss against her cheek. Regina could almost believe the man was a kind loving man. Almost. "It's great having you home again, sweetheart."
  • "Thanks, dad," she smiles up at her father, giving his hand a squeeze of her own. "I'm happy to be back. We'll need to do something together soon, just you and me."
  • "You can count on it." He chuckles before walking out of the dining room.
  • How the weight lifted off of Regina's back every single time that man left a room. It was a glorious feeling.
  • "I hope it's alright with your husband that I stay here? I really wouldn't want to impose." Sophia turns her attention to Regina, a little more freely now.
  • "No imposition whatsoever. Just ignore my ogre-of-a-husband- I do." Regina shrugs in a careless manner, gulping down her last bit of wine.
  • This amuses Sophia so much that she lets out a small laugh. She liked Elise's mom. Not only was she a beautiful and elegant woman, but she was funny, too, it seemed. And apparently, Sophia's laugh had been contagious enough for Regina to join in with a light laugh of her own.
  • It was nice having an extra person in this house. Sophia gave Regina a sense of peace and comfort. And she loved the idea of her daughter being this happy with someone that seemed to care a lot about her. For Regina, that was important. Someone right for her daughter. And Sophia appeared to be just right.
  • "So, mom, is that a yes on teaching Sophia how to ride?" Elise asks with a smile of her own that matches Regina's.
  • "I have no problem with that, but, I think you should be asking Sophia how she feels about it first." Regina turns to Sophia.
  • "Oh," Sophia shifts nervously in her seat, exchanging quick glances with mother and daughter. "I don't know."
  • "Is there a problem?" Regina can't help but ask the girl, tilting her head in a quizzical manner.
  • "Um, well…" Sophia turns to Elsie as soon as she feels her hand seek hers again at the top of the table.
  • "I forgot to mention that Sophia might be a little terrified of horses." She smiles.
  • "Oh?" Regina's brow quirks.
  • "Okay, I wouldn't say terrified," the blonde chuckles as she looks over at her girlfriend's mother. "I've just never done well with larger animals. There's a difference."
  • Regina nods in complete understanding. "This might surprise you, Sophia, but believe it or not, there are some breeds that are the most gentle giants of horses. They will think twice before acting aggressive toward a human being."
  • "You should listen to her," Elise points proudly at her mother. "You are talking to a woman who knows her breeds."
  • "Really?" That catches Sophias interest toward Regina.
  • "Oh, I'm no expert," the brunette shrugs. "But, if you'd like a lesson in riding, just say the word. Audrey will be there, which I am sure will make you feel perfectly safe." She smiles.
  • "Well… I'll consider it, then. Thank you." Sophia gives Regina a nervous yet sweet smile of her own. There's a shyness to her 'thank you' that Regina finds absolutely endearing.
  • "And, Sophia, please- accept my apologies for Leopold's behavior. You are my daughter's guest, and as such, you are welcomed here anytime, so… Make yourself at home while you are here." She smiles gentler this time.
  • "Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality, Mrs. White."
  • "Regina." The brunette nods approvingly. If Sophia referred to her as Mrs. White once more, she would hang herself.
  • "Regina." Sophia spoke the woman's name softly, trying it out for size. As strange as it also felt to call her girlfriend's mother by her first name, she couldn't help but like the way it sounded as it made its way past her lips. Unlike Leopold's cold demeanor, Regina's welcoming words felt heartfelt and truly sincere.
  • And as their eyes meet across the table, Sophia can't find it in herself to tear her gaze away from the woman's deep brown eyes.
  • Regina sat in front of her vanity table that was found in her bedroom. The light bulbs around the mirror being the only item to light up the bedroom with a somewhat dim ambient. She was freshly out of the shower, dressed in one of her white bathrobes. Her hair had already been combed over. Now she was just applying some lotion on the skin of her legs before bed. Slowly her hands slide up across her calves, followed by her thighs.