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Chapter 7

  • Dinner was amazing to say the least. It had been a long time since Sophia had enjoyed a home cooked meal as good as Regina's lasagna. The room was a little quiet, which gave her the vibe that no matter what Elise told her- Leopold wasn't too happy with this whole situation.
  • So, she decided to break the silence.
  • "I must say, Mrs. White…" Sophia could see Regina's gaze fall on her as she continued. "This lasagna is amazing."
  • "Thank you, Sophia" Regina gives the blonde a little smile, helping herself to a sip of her wine.
  • "Now I'm not much of a cook myself, but I think I may have to ask you to teach me to make this. Even if mine doesn't come out as good as yours." Sophia takes another forkful of lasagna.
  • Elise smiles at her girlfriend, "I don't think that'll be possible. Mom has been making her lasagna in secret for years. She won't even share her secret ingredient with her own daughter." She throws a playful glare at her mother.
  • Regina chuckles, "We've discussed this, Elise. Once you become a married woman, then I will reveal my secret."
  • "Well, what if one day I want to cook it for Sophia myself?" She grabs a hold of Sophia's hand on top of the table while the couple shares an equal smile, a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by Leopold as he clears his throat and takes a quick sip of his wine for effect.
  • "So, Ms. ...?Leopold begins only to be interrupted by his wife.
  • "Just Sophia" Heads turn to Regina who clarifies that Sophia would very much like to be called by her first name.
  • And while Leopold glares at his wife, Regina's eyes find Sophia green ones looking right at her with a glint of kindness and a sweet, endearing smile of appreciation.
  • "From what my daughter has told me before over the phone, you and her go to the same school, is that correct?" He asks.
  • Sophia nods, "That would be correct, yes, sir."
  • "Hm. And what, may I ask, are you studying?" He doesn't look at all amused as he asks this.
  • "Dad," Elise murmurs under her breath, her eyes throwing a glare his way. "Don't start grilling her with questions. It's summer."
  • "I am simply taking an interest in her life choices. As your father, I think I'm entitled." Leopold replies.
  • "It's okay, Elise ,Sophia gives her girlfriend a reassuring smile before looking over at her girlfriend's father. "I'm actually studying photography."
  • A future photographer? Regina's brow lifts at this as she takes another bite of her lasagna.
  • "Photography? Really?" Leopold lets out a low chuckle once Sophia nods in confirmation. "That doesn't pay very much, does it?"
  • "Dad!" Elise glares harder this time, as does Regina.
  • "Leopold." Regina hisses under her breath, her cheeks a shade of pink due to being embarrassed by her idiot husband.
  • "I'm sorry, Sophi .,Elsie gives her girlfriend an apologetic look.
  • "No, it's- it's fine." Sophia turns her attention toward Leopold, not at all bothered by his comment as she calmly wipes her mouth. "And you're right. I won't be making not even half of what you make, career wise, but at the end of the day, Mr. White; I'm not in it for the money. I'd like to think that photography can provide you with the satisfaction of knowing people."
  • "Knowing people?" Again, Leopold's voice sounds unamused.
  • "That's right." Sophia nods. "Take Audrey for example," she turns to Elise, who smiles at her. "When we met, I could tell right off that she was not only beautiful, but self- driven, smart, and she had a lot on her mind."
  • Elise chuckles, brushing back a strand of long hair behind her ear. "Nothing got past Sophia . It's one of the things that made me fall in love with her."
  • Regina gives off a little smile, "And how is it exactly that you two met?"
  • Even through her father's discomfort, Elsie takes Sophia's hand again as she answers her mother's question. "We actually met through a mutual friend. He threw a party one weekend, and Sophia was there, standing across the room." She smiles at the memory. "And our eyes met."
  • Ah. Young Love. Something Regina knew nothing about.
  • "Oh, mom, I was showing Sophia our picture, you know the one I keep in my bedroom when you were showing me to ride." She sees a smile stretch across her mother's lips, clearly remembering that day as if it were yesterday. "I told her how you are the best teacher there was." She grins proudly.
  • And Regina's cheeks suddenly turn a shade of light pink, as she finds herself hiding them behind her wine glass as she takes a quick sip.
  • "I wouldn't say that, sweetheart, but thank you for the compliment." Says Regina.
  • "It's the truth." Elise smiles. "Anyway, do you think maybe sometime during our stay here we could all go to the stables and maybe you could teach Sophia how to ride one of your horses?"