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Chapter 4

  • Alessandra quickly withdrew her hand, as if his touch burned her, not understanding why she was so nervous, or how that intimidating man knew her name. She couldn't remember Vittorio mentioning him. With great difficulty, she managed to compose herself and behave as professionally as possible. She had to calm down; she wasn't like this, and she wouldn't start being like this on her first day of work. Dominic continued to watch her; she could feel his intense gaze on her even as her boss guided her to one end of the long table and pulled out a chair for her to sit beside him. Deep down, she was grateful to be able to move away from him, from his insistent gaze, from his presence that unsettled her.
  • People began to arrive and take their respective seats. That was when she saw him walk over and sit very gallantly at the other end of the table, facing Vittorio and, of course, her. He was so... handsome, unreal, so sophisticated. The dark blue suit he wore seemed tailor"made for him; he looked so damn good. His jacket fit perfectly on his toned forearms; it was clear from afar that he worked out a lot. His whole body, his face, his height, everything about him was so... attractive."
  • Her legs trembled, and she stopped breathing when she saw him rest both elbows on the table, clasp his hands in front of his lips, and stare at her as if she were one of the wonders of the world or a new species of life discovered.
  • "Damn, out of all the people in that room, why was he only looking at her?" she wondered anxiously.
  • Nervously, she looked down at her iPad to escape his scrutinizing gaze and got distracted by some instructions Vittorio gave her. The meeting started minutes later; everyone adopted more serious and professional poses, including him. She heard him start to lead the meeting; there were no traces of the intimidating man from moments before. He was in a rather centered and authoritative position, speaking without any shyness in front of the others. He addressed them with confidence, authority, and vehemence, and at that moment, she understood why he was the president. He had earned the merit well; everyone listened to him and watched him with such attention that it gave her the impression that they feared him. Which meant she wasn't the only one because she had to admit, Dominic Lombardo scared her.
  • Several times, she noticed him suddenly fix his eyes on her. She dared to hold his gaze; if he wanted to intimidate her, he wouldn't succeed anymore. The truth was, she had been acting like a perfect fool. She didn't know him, and he didn't know her either, so why feel this way in the presence of a total stranger? Why fear him without reason? Just because they had seen each other before didn't mean they knew each other. Besides, she was there for work; she had to focus on that and nothing and no one else.
  • Alessandra practically ran after Vittorio as soon as the meeting ended; she didn't even dare to look in another direction. She didn't want to meet those mysterious eyes that robbed her of her calm.
  • At lunchtime, after seeing Vittorio leave, she headed to the small cafeteria on the same floor and decided to make herself a coffee, she was alone in that silent space, she closed her eyes feeling very strange and uneasy, she was about to start realizing exactly what was happening to her when the door suddenly opened giving her a scare that almost gave her a heart attack.
  • "I'm sorry for scaring you," apologized the dark-haired girl as she entered and noticed the startle that she gave in her place."
  • "No problem," Alessandra replied relieved, for a moment... just for a moment, she thought she would see someone else enter.
  • WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH HER? Since when was she so paranoid?
  • "And... how was your first day?" By the way, I'm Clara, nice to meet you," the girl introduced herself in a friendly tone as she prepared a coffee.
  • "Pleased to meet you, I'm Alessandra," she replied in the same tone. "And as for the work, well, all things considered, I have felt very comfortable here so far today."
  • "Yes, it's a fairly quiet and pleasant environment, also relaxed, you may have noticed that it's a quite lonely and silent floor, I suppose."
  • "I totally agree with you," Alessandra murmured, smiling. "I was really surprised when I read the hefty figure in my contract, I even thought there was a mistake."
  • "The same thing happened to me, although believe me, it's the least they can pay us, the gentlemen sometimes have their difficult days and are not very patient, especially Mr. Dominic, he is quite... peculiar, very... complicated. On the other hand, Mr. Vittorio is more flexible, you could say, but don't tell anyone, please," the dark-haired girl whispered in a confidential tone."
  • "Don't worry, I'm a tomb, I assure you. I have to admit that I'm surprised that, being Mr. Vittorio more approachable, he is the one who needed an assistant, what happened to the previous one?"
  • "Mmmm, I'm not sure if I should talk about that," Clara excused herself embarrassed. "It's a long story."
  • "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be indiscreet," Alessandra said, embarrassed by her indiscretion. "It won't happen again," she added, understanding her mistake. The first thing her new boss asked for was discretion and she wasn't fulfilling it.
  • "No, no, don't worry, it's just that it's a delicate matter, Mr. Dominic asked me for absolute discretion on that and I wouldn't like to have problems talking too much, especially when those topics involve him directly and his private life. Here you have to be very careful with what you say or do because even the walls hear and see."
  • Alessandra nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation, and scolded herself internally again for her mistake.
  • After leaving the cafeteria, an imposing and gallant figure at Clara's desk made them freeze.
  • "Miss Palmieri, I was looking for you," Dominic mentioned seriously, looking attentively at Alessandra.
  • She swallowed hard and suddenly nerves betrayed her once again.
  • "I'm sorry, sir, I just went to grab something at the cafeteria for a moment."
  • "I need you to get a file from the archives area," he ordered authoritatively, handing her a small post note.
  • "I'll go right now," the girl confirmed, approaching to take the information he provided.
  • "Bring me the file and two copies attached, please."
  • "Of course, sir, anything else?"
  • "Nothing, for now," he replied, not taking his eyes off the brunette who clearly had him fascinated.
  • Clara nodded and without adding anything else, in a matter of seconds she disappeared, leaving them completely alone.
  • Dominic didn't know if what fascinated him was the green color of her clear eyes, her curved and long eyelashes, or the fact that she held his gaze for so long. There was something in those bright eyes that he loved, he needed to have her in his bed as soon as possible, that was all he wanted, for her to open her legs so he could finally forget her and turn the page. He didn't like having to pretend with a woman, and with her, he was taking too long.
  • Alessandra quickly looked away and went to her desk to continue with her work, she didn't want Vittorio to come back and find her slacking off.
  • As she walked away, Dominic's eyes were fixated on her backside.
  • Whew!
  • He'd seen more asses than most men his age, but this particular one was spectacular, to say the least. Alessandra was quite a slim girl. That was what made her look so special from the back. Her ass didn't just jut outward like regular asses, but the ass cheeks formed a perfect curve on her lower back... a curve so soft and enticing that with each step she took, both cheeks bounced, making his dick become harder and harder.
  • It was all he could do to stop himself from catching up with her and dry-humping her until he came all over her skirt. Damn! He couldn't wait to get his hands on her naked body. How he would massage that bubble butt and spank it to make it bounce before plunging his engorged member into her doggy style and watching that booty ripple and shake with each thrust! He was sure that he wouldn’t last more than a few minutes inside her before exploding.
  • Hell, the mere thought of it made Dominic shiver. His breath had quickened and he was now being controlled solely by his crotch and no longer his brain. Without thinking, he got up on his feet and went after the object of his lustful attraction. His main goal was to have a feel of that ass by all means. Moving silently, he crept up behind her and jammed his crotch against her backside.
  • Alessandra gasped and quickly turned around. To her astonishment, she saw Dominic standing just right behind her. Her eyes widened in disbelief. How the hell had he moved all the way from where he was to stand behind her without making a sound?
  • “You were moving too slowly... that’s why I mistakenly bumped into you,” Dominic said to justify his act. He spoke so confidently and shamelessly that Alessandra never even thought for a moment that he could be lying.
  • “Oh, I’m sorry,” she instinctively apologized. As far as she was concerned, his hand was the hard body part that had mistakenly poked her backside just now. If only she knew that it was his cock...
  • “Hmmm. It’s okay. You can go,” Dominic murmured.
  • Alessandra turned around and went on her way while Dominic stood where he was, hands in his pocket, staring at her ass.
  • She’d hardly moved a few meters when he called her name.
  • “Miss D’Santi.”
  • Just hearing the way his tongue caressed her name sent a shiver down Alessandra’s spine and made her toes tingle.
  • “Ye... yes, Mr. Lombardo?” she replied, turning nervously to face him again.