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Chapter 25

  • Drake was beyond happy after he had finally found his niece. It had been many years since he had ventured to find where she could be. Every once in a while, he would start to lose hope and be eaten with worry, fear, and pain. However, he swallowed everything and pushed through into finding her, for their clan, for Colleen’s pack, and most of all, for his brother. Drake had high hopes and believed that Eleanor was his brother’s daughter.
  • As soon as he had laid eyes on hers, he already felt some kind of connection between them, and at the moment that he had seen a birthmark on her finger which was the same as what Colleen had told him, he was more than sure.
  • He could not help but smile as he knew how much his brother would be glad when he came back home and told him that he had finally found Grace. He was sure as well that wherever his sister-in-law’s soul might be right now, she is very happy. Wherever her soul might be, he knew that somewhere above, she was watching over them.
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