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Chapter 604

  • He rubbed his face and again tried to evaluate what he was doing. He had tried to play off the lack of dates tonight, but the truth was he didn’t want to see anyone else right now. Women had stopped appealing to him the more he got to know her, and casual sex had lost its sparkle. He got more from spending a day with her at work than hours fucking some pointless girl, which was messing his head up badly. He should go out, get drunk with Danny, and fuck someone. Get rid of all this tension building up in him. He knew a lot of it was the lack of sex.
  • Staring at a sea of pointless clothes and wondering how I’m going to wrestle Donna’s gold card away from those itchy fingers.
  • She replied quickly, a smile hitting him as soon as he saw her name on the screen and that goofy sense of elation that made him snarl at himself. He sighed and frowned at the phone. All thoughts of sex with someone else dispersing.
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