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Chapter 355

  • It’s amazing what the human heart can endure when you have a will like mine. It’s incredible how you can bounce back like you were, no matter what life throws at you. It’s amazing how many masks I must keep in my back pocket for when one gets smashed into a thousand pieces so I can slide a new one on.
  • We’re on a plane already, and I’m calm, controlled, and acting like yesterday never happened. Redhead is gone, thank God, and Jake seems like the typical, good old Jake from before our vacation. Just like that! The past week or so was erased from memory.
  • All is almost right with the world; if I can ignore all that, forget all the tears, and ignore the crazy way he makes me feel that I can no longer honestly say is platonic. Despite me glaring at him about using it on the plane, he's on his cell.
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