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Chapter 182

  • Leyanne
  • “We’re here… may as well. Just don’t let your guard down, and don’t hesitate to use your gifts.” Meadow hisses under her breath, and I scoot up right behind Carmen to fall back in line. Flanked by two femmes and still unsure if this witch is a friend at all. Sierra told us she was, but this doesn’t feel like someone willing to bend over backward to do anything for anyone except herself.
  • We quickly follow close to her, aware of the pitch darkness, and I wonder how we’re meant to stay out here if she ups and leaves us now. We don’t know this terrain. The truck is far enough away that we’ll encounter a fight if vampires come upon us, and I have no mental space or physical energy for any of that. My adrenaline is firing high, and I’m already exhausted.
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