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Chapter 204

  • It almost breaks me, but I shake my head and almost cry as the words burn my throat. Knowing that’s the path they would expect, no one would look down on me for it. I know it’s not what needs to be done, and the fates brought me here for one purpose.
  • “I’m the strongest left here, with the most useful gifts. Without me, the mission has less chance of success, and our pack will certainly perish out there. I’m sorry, but if there were another way, I would take it….. but there isn’t. I must be your leader and do what’s best for the pack. My mate would always put his life on the line for you, and I should do the same.” The words are killing me as my eyes round, and my face pales as my words settle in. I realize tears are starting to roll down my face. The inner heaviness is consuming me because, on some level, I feel like I’m abandoning my children, and this feels like a goodbye. Terror gripping me coldly that I am truly leading them to their death by leaving them alone to continue without their anchors in life. A pack without an Alpha, nor a Luna, is a pack without its soul.
  • I curse myself for not being as strong as Colton, for not being able to push my fear behind the mask he wears so well, and shows them an unbreakable face. I’m not him, and I can’t hide what this means for them if I fail.
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