Chapter 223
- It’s Not Over
- The homestead has been eerily silent since we returned. There’s been a strange atmosphere in the whole place, and even the village out back seems still and devoid of noise. Everyone is home licking their wounds, absorbing the reality of what we did and went through, and homes are filled with warm reunions and an aura of hope. The air is lighter and brighter, and the fog is completely gone. It feels like something huge is now settling to dust, yet spirits are high despite the need for peace.
- Colton is sitting on the bed drying his hair after the third shower he took to rid himself of a weeklong buildup of debris, grime, and of course, Vampire blood. Something he does when he needs to think for a while, and I know he probably wanted space from me to let the remainder of his anger fizzle a little. Even though now I’m laid on the bed behind him, he seems so much calmer than before.