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Chapter 5 Crystal Is Fired

  • *****Crystal*****
  • "Mummy!!" I heard that alluring tiny voice scream in sheer happiness as I walked into the house.
  • "Hey Aidan!" I smiled and spread out my arms for an embrace.
  • He ran towards me and I lifted him in the air and embraced him while he giggled.
  • "I heard you have been a naughty boy today, is that true?" I asked, feigning anger.
  • "No mommy, I promise I behaved, now can I get that candy you promised" he asked pouting his lips.
  • "Awwn, now how can I say no to that cute face" I said, pinching him softly on his cheek. "You can have a candy"
  • I put him down and brought out two Candy bars from my bag, then gave it to him.
  • "Thanks Mommy" he exclaimed in excitement, revealing his missing tooth.
  • "Wow my arm hurts after lifting you, I think you are getting heavier every day" I said, messing up his tousled blonde hair with my palm. He gave me one of his breathtaking smiles.
  • I guess he took over the smile thing from me, but every other feature he possessed was taken from Logan.
  • Speaking of Logan, I am glad he didn't recognize me when he saw me today. Aidan and I don't need him in our lives, we are better off without him.
  • "It's good you have noticed his abnormal growth, that can only mean one thing" my stepmom said as she walked in.
  • She was putting on a white blouse and black skirt, probably ready for her usual country club party.
  • "Come on Aidan, go and play with your toys" I said, as an excuse to send him away.
  • He is a smart boy and he might understand what Mom-two is talking about.
  • "Okay mommy" he uttered in his sweet voice and ran off to my room.
  • My step parents' house has just three bedrooms and a sitting room. My step parents use one of the rooms, Mary uses the other while Aidan and I stay in one.
  • "Come on Mom-two, you can't speak about such things in front of Aidan, also I thought we have talked about this, Aidan can't be one" I protested.
  • "Well, why not?" She queried.
  • "Because, both Logan and I are humans," I retorted.
  • Then I froze, aware of what I had just done. I had just revealed the name of my baby's father which I had kept a secret for years.
  • "Logan? You mean Logan Stewart?" Mum-two asked, now wearing a serious expression on her face.
  • I guess the cat is already out of the bag, so there is no need to hide it, moreover my stepparents have always supported me, they deserve to know the truth.
  • "Yes, do you know him?" I queried.
  • She called his full name which means she might know a few things about him.
  • "Oh my god! You have a baby for the Alpha!" Mom gasped and squealed in excitement.
  • "Huh? Alpha? No mom, I think you are mistaken about this" I protested and walked to the sofa. I had been standing since I walked in and my legs were hurting now. I sat down and crossed my legs.
  • Even though I don't know much about Logan, I don't think he is a wolf, he is just some spoiled rich kid who thinks every woman is after his money.
  • "No Crystal, I am certain that I am correct, now that explains his look, Aidan has the same hair and eyes like Logan"
  • "Wait, how do you even know this Logan guy?" I asked curiously.
  • "Why won't I know the only surviving son of Alpha Lance Stewart"
  • I heard that name a lot of times during my childhood, Dad usually spoke of him as one of the most powerful Alphas.
  • "You know what this means Crystal, your son is the heir to the New Dawn's pack" she screamed.
  • "Okay Mom-two, let's end this here, Aidan and I have nothing to do with Logan, so I don't care what or who he is, he is just a part of my past and would remain like that forever" I stated.
  • Mom-two looked disappointed with my decision but she agreed with me, I begged her not to tell my step dad. Aidan is my responsibility and I won't let him anywhere close to Logan!
  • ******Logan's POV******
  • "Open the gates you fool" I cursed furiously
  • The foolish gateman pushed the door open and I drove in, fuming with anger.
  • I had been away for three long years just in order to forget the incident with her, and just two days after I returned, I bumped into her again. The sight of her irritates me, no... It disgusts me!
  • I came down from the car and headed for the main door. The castle hadn't changed much in these three years, those fountains and sculptures of wolves were still at the frontage.
  • "Hey Alpha Logan!" Jake called out and opened his arm for a hug.
  • "Not now Jake!" I warned in my Alpha tone, with my teeth gritted. That was enough to tell him that I was irritated.
  • Crystal always succeeds in provoking me whenever I set my eyes on her.
  • "Woah woah! woah!!, Easy man, you are flaming!" Jake exclaimed. "What's the problem?"
  • "It's her!She is back to irritate me again," I yelled in anger.
  • "Who? Lucy?" He asked
  • Well I haven't thought about Lucy, I haven't even seen her since I returned from Asia.
  • "No, I am talking about Crystal!" I replied.
  • "Crystal? Who is Crystal?" He asked, looking confused.
  • Great! I almost revealed a secret I have been keeping for three long years.
  • "She is, um... Nevermind, it's nothing" I said, waving the discussion off.
  • I went inside mumbling to myself.
  • If this Crystal girl thinks she can ruin my day and go scot-free, then she is wrong. I would show her that I am the son of Alpha Lance Stewart. I would make her life so horrible that she would regret messing with Alpha Logan Stewart!!
  • *****Crystal's POV*****
  • I just served the rude customer a plate of Pasta and Salad. Some people don't know how to behave in public.
  • "Fool!" I cursed angrily and walked into the kitchen.
  • "What's wrong Crystal? You look like you want to hit a guy with a coconut" Mrs Maggie asked with a crumpled face. I giggled.
  • This old woman always has a way of making me laugh.
  • "Nevermind Mrs Maggie, it's just some random fool that is completely mannerless" I scoffed.
  • "Don't let them get to you girl, now go and see the boss, he has sent for you" she informed me.
  • What? The boss has sent for me?
  • "But why does he want to see me?" I asked anxiously.
  • "I don't know Crystal, I guess you have to go and find out," the old woman replied.
  • Fear gripped me, the boss hardly requests to see the staff, and if he does, it's either he has called to reward them or punish them. I know I haven't been too punctual to work but let's hope it's the first one.
  • I climbed up the stairs and knocked on the first door I met.
  • "Come in Crystal"
  • Wait, how did he know it was me? I only knocked, who cares though
  • I turned the door knob and walked in.
  • His office was a small room, painted blue. There were portraits hanging on the four corners of the room. Some images of the political leaders while the others were military officials, one of the photos was his image, at least the younger version of him.
  • "Sir, you sent it to me?" I asked nervously.
  • "Yes, have this" he instructed, and handed me an envelope. "Open it!"
  • I accepted the envelope with a shaking hands. What could be inside it?
  • Could it be a reward? Perhaps something good? But what if it's the opposite?
  • What if he decides to reduce my salary because of my lack of punctuality? I really need the money to take care of Aidan
  • I opened the envelope and the first line of sentence sent cold shiver through my body
  • "What?... What... What is this?" I stuttered in shock.
  • "I am sorry miss Crystal... But you are fired!"
  • This has to be a dream?
  • Fired? How? Why?