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Chapter 20

  • There are people who remain in each other's lives for a long time, yet still don't contribute to significant moments or create meaningful memories. Jonathan has often felt this way with many people, especially men he had been involved with previously, who didn't meet his expectations.
  • He didn't know if he was too demanding, if his standards were too high, or if people were accustomed to much less than they deserved. But he knew he eagerly awaited someone who would ignite an insatiable passion within him, someone who would burst into his chest as strongly as a flame that swiftly spreads wherever it touches.
  • He wasn't sure exactly when he would find this person, or if he had already found them and missed the chance to experience something like this. But seeing how Elliot behaved, he wished that someone like him would be the one to evoke these sensations in him.
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