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Chapter 10

  • Megan's POV
  • A loud cracking noise jolted me awake. Dark and grey-blue in tint, the sky hung ominously above me. My view was clouded by the snow, and the wind was brisk. My body was coated in a new coating of snow, which numbed my hurting back. In the jungle, loud footsteps were heard moving hastily and recklessly. It was too far away for me to hear the shouts that were being screamed out in the distance. There was a loud snap again, but this time it was considerably closer. Whatever it was, it was traveling quickly.
  • My head was beginning to feel a strange pressure that was making me feel woozy. When my back complained, I stooped up while biting back a groan. As I rose, my legs started to slightly tremble. I was getting ready to take off if I had to. My white fur nearly exactly matched the icy landscape. My blood on the ground was hidden by the fresh snow. I doubt that anybody would even notice me if they were to pass by, particularly if they were going so swiftly. They would probably pass me by and go on without even realizing I was there.
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