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Chapter 8

  • The Talk
  • Mandy’s POV
  • Sarah takes a second to gather her thoughts before continuing her lesson. “Being a woman, whose man is in the mafia is a very hard life to live. I won’t lie to you and say that it will be peaches and cream because it won’t. Men in the family especially the higher ups do what they want. They go when and where they please, talk to females, cheat on their spouse, they rule the roost. While the women are compliant, we stay at home and have babies, were not allowed to go or do anything without permission, we aren’t supposed to talk to males by ourselves, and never back talk or voice our opinions on any matters. It’ll hurt, make you mad, and embarrass you when your man has a mistress and everyone knows it. But there isn’t anything that you can do about it. We only speak when spoken to when were around the men. Now when us women are by alone then we can talk freely. Always sit up straight, have good posture. Most importantly always look the part. Be dressed to impress, have your hair and make-up done, and wearing heels. I’m emphasizing on how important on looking good matters. Do as your told, never deviate from expectations, because Matteo won’t think twice before punishing you. No matter who is around and trust me that is something that you want to avoid if at all possible. The best way to describe your new life is to think about how women lived back in the 1940’s when we had no rights at all. Even if you’re by yourself or with someone like me, don’t think that Matteo isn’t informed about everything that you do. These men work for him, that is who puts money in their pockets, and food on their table. You will be assigned bodyguards, but don’t think for one second that they are your friend, or will keep a secret. You are to act classy, and respectable all the time.”
  • Sarah leans over closer to me before she whispers. “I know I’ve told you that I am sorry, and I truly am. I would have never taken you to the club last night if I knew that they were there. Carlo told me that he had an important meeting and wouldn’t be managing the club. This isn’t a life I would wish on anyone. You will have it even harder than I do. With Matteo being the heir and soon to be Don, you will have more rules then even me. Please don’t fight him on anything, or try to run a way again. The words I am about to say are vile, but necessary. Submit fully as hard as it is telling you that, it’ll be even harder for you to comply. He will kill anyone you love, without remorse. I’m always here for you and.”
  • That is all she gets to say because Marco rudely interrupts her. “Sarah, you know the rules, the only way you are allowed to have a conversation with each other is if we can hear what you are saying. Whispering amongst each other is forbidden. I won’t repeat this warning, if it happens again, I’ll inform, Carlo and Matteo and let the two of them deal with you.”
  • My mouth drops open and I’m giving him the what the fuck look. Before I realize my mouth is moving and words are flowing out. “Maybe we are gossiping about stuff that isn’t none of your damn business. You ever think of that. How about you.” That is all I get out before Sarah clamps her hand over my lips shutting me up. I glance at her and she has the oh shit what the hell did you just do look on her face.
  • It doesn’t take me no time to figure out why she is so scared. Matteo digs his phone out of his suit jacket dials a number and starts firing off words in Italian. Not having a clue what he just said makes me nervous. After he finishes, he extends his arm back to me holding his phone out for me to grab. I take it with shaky fingers and put it up to my ear. It’s Matteo’s voice and he is pissed.
  • “So, apparently you think that you can disrespect my men with that mouth of yours. Apologize to Marco this instant.” I’m so mad at the way he is talking to me that I’m half hearing what he is saying to me. When I disobey his command, he starts speaking to me again between chuckles of laughter. “Ok you win, I was really trying to give you a little bit of time for you to settle in your new role, but clearly you haven’t learned that my word is law. Don’t worry though I’m about to teach you in a way that will make you never forget. I’ll see you soon doll face.” Matteo hangs up the phone. I toss Marco’s cell back into his lap and lean back in my seat.
  • When I make eye contact with Sarah, she has tears rolling down her cheeks. Confused on why she is crying, so I ask. “What is the matter with you?” With a shaky voice she responds. “Do you not understand what the fuck you just did. After me explaining everything to you. I wish you would have listened to me, but no you still believe that you have options or can act the same way you did yesterday. Either you can’t comprehend the situation that you are in, or you honestly are under the impression that I’m lying and all the information that I’ve told you isn’t true or doesn’t apply to you. I can’t imagine the discipline that Matteo is about to give you. All I can do is pray that he isn’t too harsh on you. But mark my words dear friend whatever is coming is going to be cruel and unstoppable.”