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The Don's Forced Wife

The Don's Forced Wife

Renee Lawrence

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • Going Out
  • Mandy’s POV
  • The sound of my alarm blaring in my ear alerts me that it is time to get up. With my eyes closed I reach over trying to shut off the damn music. Finally succeeding, I stretch out my limbs and climb out of bed. I rush into the bathroom and do my morning routine. I dress in pants and a sweater with two pairs of socks on my feet. I’m still new to this New York weather and haven’t gotten use to it yet. I moved here when I turned eighteen three weeks ago, to live with my dad. Growing up I was only allowed to visit my father and spend a week at a time. I love my papa so the day I was of age I said goodbye to my mother and headed North East to be with him.
  • Waltzing into the kitchen I see my dad has already gotten breakfast cooked for me. I glance around but don’t see him anywhere. I guess he is taking a shower. I’ve been going to work with him every day since I got here. He owns his own music store. I’ve never been talented in playing instruments, but he can play them all. I just mainly sit behind the counter and answer the phones, or ring customers up. I dig into my plate so I won’t keep him waiting on me. I see him exit his bedroom and come down the hallway. People say that I am an exact image of him. We both have blonde hair, green eyes, and smooth skin. We’re both on the shorter side him at only 5’6 and me at 5’4.
  • “You ready to go monkey?” My father asks me. He’s called me monkey for as long as I can remember. “Yep, let’s go.” I answer him. We only live about two blocks from his business which is called Mandy’s. He named it after me. We fight the cold as we walk down the bustling city streets. We arrive at the store and he makes quick work of unlocking the doors so we can enter. He goes straight to his office to see what his schedule consists of for today. He gives music lessons in the back room here. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself, but he stays swamped tutoring children and adults.
  • I get comfy in my leather chair behind the counter and take out my phone. A couple of customers come in a few buy an item here and there, other than that It is a very boring day. The bell over the door rings and I peek up from my phone, only to see my new best friend Sarah strolling in. I met Sarah the second day I came here and we instantly hit it off. She gives me her grand smile show casing her pearly white teeth. Sarah could be a model if she wanted to. She is tall with long legs, short brown hair and big brown eyes. She stops right in front of me and starts talking. “So, are you ready to party tonight? Oh, before I forget here is your new fake ID. Don’t go and loose that thing, or it’ll take me another two weeks to get one made for you again.”
  • I pick up the license that she slid, over to me wondering what my $200 paid for. I must say it looks great. Sarah had taken my picture in front of a sheet to take to her guy that can forge anything. I squeal out loud after I examine it. “Girl, I’ve been ready to hit up the club since I got here.” I responded to her. I look down at the time it was 5:15 pm. I yell back to my dad. “Hey, I’m leaving for the day. Sarah is here, and I’m going to be staying the night with her tonight. So don’t wait up. I love you.”
  • The two of us bolt out of the store like it was on fire. We go directly to her house. She lives with her mom who is never home. Her mother is always over at her boyfriend’s place. We bought our dresses to wear tonight over a week ago. I decided to wear a teal body con tight long sleeve dress that came barely below my ass. The stomach was see thru. I paired it with teal four-inch-high heels, and a long pea coat. Sarah’s dress was pink in color body con but hers didn’t have any sleeves. I let her do my make-up, which she did a smokey eye, with blush, and clear lip gloss. I left my long hair down in loose curls. Standing back from the mirror, I must say that I looked damn good.
  • “Let’s go Mandy the Uber is here.” Sarah said as she was sauntering towards the front door. It doesn’t take but twenty minutes to get to the club Vibes. There is already a line all the way down the sidewalk and around the corner of the club. Sarah pushes her way to the entrance by passing the bouncer while giving him a wink. Her boyfriend manages the business, so she doesn’t have to wait in line to enter. “My god I felt like VIP right then.” I say to her between giggles. “Yeah, it pays off when you’re fucking the guy who runs this place.”
  • “Damn girl I wish I had your confidence. You know your beautiful and don’t give a shit to flaunt you stuff in front of no one.” I tell her. “Girl please, if you think I am pretty than what would you call yourself? I’ve got nothing on you. Now let’s get some drinks, dance, and have fun.” She whoops out at me. The club is already jumping in here with all sorts of people. We amble to the bar and she flags down the bartender who recognizes her right off. She orders six shots of vodka, with sugar and lemon. My eyes bulge out of my head almost when she sits three in front of me. She raises one glass up and says “cheers” before downing it. I mirror her actions. We slam all three drinks back-to-back. She holds up her fingers and three more shots are placed in front of me. We repeat this action two more times. Having a nice buzz, I’m ready to dance.