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Chapter 5

  • When Victoria finally told her children about their father and how they got married that day, Maya was over the moon, but Luke's face turned ugly. He asked " how can you get married to the man that abandoned us? You raised us alone all these years yet he comes to take credit for your hard work. I'm the man of the house, where was he when we needed him the most? What kind of a man is he, leaving his children to be raised by another man ?" The man Luke was talking about was Byron, he was like a father to them. He took them in when no one else did. But to Victoria he was like a brother, even though Byron wanted to be her partner.
  • Victoria didn't know what to say to her son, he was too mature for his age. Maya also sang a different tune as soon as she heard her brother, suddenly she didn't want this man to be her father. " mom is the bad man at least handsome?" she still wanted to know how he looks. This young lady liked to watch tv shows too much and she always wished her father was as handsome as the men she had seen in TV if not more handsome. Even though Victoria was at a loss for words this question from her daughter made her laugh a little .
  • Victoria had to calm her children down before she told them all about their father, the story of how they met and how she had to leave suddenly, she told them in a way they would understand, omitting adult details because there was no need for their young minds to understand anything anyway. Luke was still sceptical about the details but he calmed down and suggested they call his father so he can talk to him man to man. Maya also agreed that this man had to speak for himself.
  • Victoria called Christian over and he came a to the hotel as soon as possible, he found very serious two little faces and an adult who looked like she had just been reprimanded. " What are you plans with my mother?" Was the first question Luke fired at him. Christian chuckled a little, but Luke was not even smiling, he wanted this man to see how serious he was,. Christian replied " I fell in love with your mother the first time I saw her, but she disappeared the next day, I have been looking for her all these years, until I met her today at you grandparents' house. Hasn't she told you all of these?
  • Even though Luke was satisfied with the answer he still felt like it wasn't enough, " what if this man is lying? What if he manipulated my mother? "He thought. He grilled Christian with questions after questions, he wanted to know how he was going to pay for all the years his mother has been taking care of him and his sister. But Christian answered all his questions patiently until the young man was satisfied. He was even amused because this boy was the spitting image of him, he had never seen anything like it, this boy was like his younger version clone.
  • Maya was already sitting on Christian's lap when all of these was happening, she was already excited that she finally has a daddy like other kids her age. Funny enough she also liked the smell of her father. Christian called Colin and told him to pick up food for them, and they ate as a family for the first time, it was a sight to behold. Victoria had never been more happier. This only happened when she was with Byron and the kids but she felt like it was never enough, her family didn't feel whole because she has no feelings for him. But now things were different, this was the family she had always dreamt of.
  • Christian did not sleep over because he had planned to move them to his mansion after introducing them to his grandmother , he was worried about how his grandfather was going to react to Victoria and the kids. He might just get a heart attack, so he decided to tell Old Mrs Chadwick first, he thought maybe the old lady would give him the news gently , the old man always had a soft spot for her, he listened to everything she says.
  • He didn't know if he should tell the old lady first or just take his whole family to her and tell her while they were there. Eventually he decided to go to old Mrs Chadwick and tell her everything, he didn't want to embarrass Victoria and the kids in case she doesn't accept them. He went straight to the point upon arriving, the old was surprise because she had never heard her grandson talk about women or had she seen her grandson bring any special lady at home for dinner or even as a plus one for their events .
  • She was over the moon when she heard about her grandchildren, even though it was suddenly she was still happy nonetheless . She had already put a plan in motion of how she was going to tell her hard headed husband, but she knew he would be happy after learning about the grandchildren, she just didn't know how he would feel about the mother, because he had already set his sights on his goddaughter's child. "What a headache " she thought .
  • After Christian left the Chadwick residence, old Mrs Chadwick wheeled her husband to the garden and told him about everything she was told by Christian, and how it was partly his fault that his grandson met this young woman, she emphasized on how it wasn't the young lady fault because she was accidentally drugged. The old man's was not pleased at all, but after hearing how things happened, he knew he was to blame. He just kept nodding to show his wife he understood. Old Mrs Chadwick was very happy with her manipulation of the old man, and she called Christian to tell him the food news.
  • The family of four arrived at the Chadwick residence and they could not believe what they saw, First it was old Mrs Chadwick who nearly fainted when she saw Victoria and the kids, " No wonder I felt such a deep connection to the trio" she smiled to herself.
  • "Oh Victoria, my child is God making a joke or is this really you?" she asked, ev4n before Christian could ask how the knew each other, the old lady already started explaining She couldn't contain her excitement, even her grandson that his grandmother would get a heart attack from too much happiness
  • What they failed to see was the old man who had started trembling as soon as he saw the trio, tears rolling down his face, It was chaos at the Chadwick residence. Victoria felt so bad, " maybe we can too quickly " she thought. At that moment she wanted nothing but to take her kids and make a run for it. Even Mrs Chadwick got so scared , she also thought maybe they were too hasty, she called a nurse over, but the next moment surprised them even more, the old man held Victoria's hands and continued crying, but his eyes were bright, he looked happy to see this young lady. He hadn't seen Helena in two decades but this young girl In front of him was the spitting image of her. He knew in his heart that this is the girl he wanted her grandson to marry.
  • He kept nodding in satisfaction, when Christian saw this he took a chance and told his grandparents that he had gotten married to Victoria, the old couple were so happy for their grandson, they wanted nothing but for Christian to have his own family. Ever since his parents died in a plane crash, this child had been a loner.
  • Now in their head they were already planning a big ceremony for their wedding in their heads, they even gave each other a knowing look, and they knew they were both thinking about the same thing . Christian knew immediately what they were thinking about and he immediately told them not to rush anything, he needed to move his family to his house. And old Mr Chadwick had to recover first , this was also his way of forcing the old to recover quicker if he wanted the wedding to happy.
  • While the family was happy and the kids being shown to their respective rooms, Mara was plotting her revenge, because she had already learned about everything, she had a spy in the family who had already sent her pictures she had sneakily took of Victoria and the children.
  • Mara was spitting fire like a dragon, she couldn't believe the luck Victoria . She even had a set of twins from Christian. All she knew was that Christian was her man and nothing or anyone will snatch him away from her, not when she was alive.
  • " Victoria is testing me, she and those little monsters are going to meet their maker very soon or else I'm not Mara" she said.