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Chapter 4 Playthings

  • Adea
  • Shane walked through the kitchen door, his stride confident, his eyes dark. When they lock on me there’s a flicker of emotion there and I fight the urge to cower under his gaze. The need to run pumps through my veins, but I fight it tooth and nail and return the same energy he’s shooting my way. The corner of his lip twitches before it turns into a full on smirk as he walks across the room. Shane makes his way past me and his sister to take his seat in his usual spot. Gabe elbows me, a reminder to get their breakfast on their plates. The sooner they eat, the sooner we can leave. Today, we went for simple and easy. I filled their plates with scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and bacon.
  • I bow in greeting as the Alpha and his mate walk through the other entrance. Alpha Joshua and Luna Rose look the exact same they did when I first came to Half Moon. They haven’t aged a day. I like to think it is their love that keeps them young. Alpha is tall like Shane, has black wavy hair and gray eyes, while Luna rose has pencil straight brown hair and obsidian eyes.
  • “You don’t need to leave Adea. Come, sit and have breakfast with us,” Alpha said warmly.
  • All eyes are on me so I can’t leave now. I grab a plate and Gabe fills my plate with scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and buttered toast. I look up to say thank you, but he gives me a snotty smile. So instead of saying thank you I swat his arm holding the tongs and turn from him. I walk over to the table, the only seat available is between Mavy and Shane. She waves me over eagerly and I try to hide my reluctance as I walk over to them. I take a seat in between the twins.
  • Shane leans forward and hovers over his plate. He doesn’t have to turn to me for me to feel his eyes on me. Mavy takes a bite of bacon and dances in her seat. I can’t help but smile as I watch her. She turns to me and flips her hair over her shoulder.
  • “Trent is coming over before school if you wanna hitch a ride with us,” Mavy says excitedly.
  • I fight the urge to groan, but Shane groans clearly not wanting to hear about his sister with Trent. I was curious about what his thoughts were when it came to his sister and finding her forever partner. Mavy looks at me expectantly. My mouth is full and before I have the chance to chew my food, I swallow it down. My eyes water as the hard toast cuts my throat. I hit my chest with my fist and Mavy grabs her glass of water. She offers it up and I grab it and drink it down.
  • “I’d love to, but I can’t,” I say through a fit of coughs. “I’ve got to get some stuff done before school. You guys go on ahead.”
  • Trent and Mavy aren’t dating but his feelings were obvious. Mavy was waiting for her one true mate, the one the Moon Goddess made and picked out for you. Even though she was waiting until she came of age, everyone knew she had a thing for him. The last thing I wanted was to be the third wheel to their early morning ride. I could already see Trent giving me the stink eye the whole way to school.
  • No thanks.
  • “Oh… okay, Adea,” Mavy says sadly.
  • Mavy gives me a smile before turning back to her plate. I watch as she pushes her food around her plate. She’s sad now, but I know without a doubt I’ll be forgotten as soon as she hops into Trent’s car. There’s a scoff to my left and I turn to look at Shane. I give him the arched eyebrow what-the-fuck look.
  • “What?” Shane asks.
  • “I don’t know what—”
  • “What do you have to do? Dishes? Scrub the toilets? Take out the trash? I’d like to know what’s so important,” Shane spat.
  • I don’t know where this venom is coming from or why he even cares. There was once a time where we could have been friends, but something happened and he started giving me the cold shoulder. Alpha Joshua fixed his son with a look.
  • “Did I say something wrong?” Shane taunted.
  • “Shane,” Alpha Joshua warned. She doesn’t bat an eye, but after a moment of staring into my eyes, he slowly turns his attention on his father.
  • “Yes, Alpha?” Shane asked.
  • That annoying smirk returning to his face, his eyes provoke his father as they start to glow, and the room goes quiet. Mavy lets out a frustrated grunt and reaches over to to get to her brother. When he is within reach she slaps his shoulder.
  • “Shane! Don’t be such an ass. She is not a slave. Adea doesn’t have to go anywhere with me if she doesn’t want to. She has a life and she can have things she wants to do, or needs to do,” Mavy said coming to my defense. She sits back in her seat and looks at me apologetically.
  • “It’s okay, Mavy, don’t worry,” I said.
  • “I’m sorry, sis. Please excuse my idiot brother. All that Alpha testosterone,” she mutters.
  • Mavy rolls her eyes and reached into her designer bag to grab her phone. I straighten in my seat as something touches my lower back. Shane leans into me and stares at me with wide obsidian eyes. With Mavy distracted Shane trails his fingers up and down my back.
  • “You’ll forgive me, won’t you, Adea?” Shane pleads.
  • I glance back and forth between Mavy and Shane as his fingers trail circles into my skin. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out as Shane’s gaze drops to my neck and slowly makes its way down my chest. He licks his lips, pleased with what he sees. My mouth closes and opens like a fish. Amusement dances in his eyes and my anger sparks. He’s toying with me like I’m one of his little playthings.
  • I am not one of your playthings.