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Chapter 4

  • Sienna might have been lucky that Kaemon didn’t show up last week when Della was out of the office, or it is unclear and very uncertain what she might have done. But luck runs out as did hers. For Kaemon Mace decided to show up. Sienna glared at the opened doors of the conference room as Kaemon passed by. Sienna hurriedly packed up her things and dashed out of the conference room, Della followed. Kaemon’s shadow pursued as well.
  • One side of Sienna’s office was a glass wall and Della being who she was, was quick on her feet to pull the blinds up. Sienna grumbled as she watched Kaemon greet his teammates as he loosened his tie and took off the black Armani jacket. He rolled up the sleeves of his cream-coloured shirt and draped the suit jacket on one of the vacant chairs. He was the leading member of his team, and everyone adored and looked up to him, that being except for Sienna of course. And no matter how everyone dressed up, Kaemon always stood out amongst all. And even though Sienna will never admit it out loud but Kaemon Mace is one hell of a man and a super attractive one at that.
  • Kaemon possessed a smooth caramel complexion that seemed to radiate warmth. His skin, like rich, golden honey, caught the light in a way that accentuated his striking features. Nestled beneath a strong brow, his stunning grey eyes held a depth that hinted at hidden mysteries.
  • His facial features were finely chiselled, a testament to a sculptor's precision. A well-defined jawline framed his face, adding a touch of rugged masculinity to his overall allure. Cheekbones, sharp and pronounced, cast subtle shadows in the play of light, enhancing the captivating symmetry of his countenance.
  • And then, there was his luscious black hair, cascading with an effortless grace. Each strand seemed to fall into place as if guided by an unseen hand, adding an element of untamed allure to Kaemon's overall appearance.
  • In essence, he was a visual symphony – the smooth caramel complexion, the captivating grey eyes, and the luxurious black hair harmonizing to create a sight that was not just pleasing but truly captivating, a feast for the eyes and a magnetic force that drew attention effortlessly.
  • He was a site for sore eyes, and it made Sienna hate him even more! And the man was very well aware of his good looks and with his ability to sway people with his charm, he has brought major deals for the company.
  • “Urgh,” Sienna rolled her eyes as she started reviewing the designs proposed by the design team while Della kept her eyes on Kaemon.
  • “Where are the designs for the tote bags? I thought you had brought them with you.” Sienna wondered as she looked through the designs unable to find the ones she was searching for.
  • “Can you be of any help here?” Sienna groaned and Della exclaimed.
  • “He is coming this way.” She chirped and Sienna looked up to find Kaemon knocking on her door to grab her attention.
  • “Good morning, Sienna.” Kaemon greeted shooting a charming smile for her and one for Della who had one of her brightest smiles on.
  • “Good morning,” Della looked giddy which really made Sienna want to vomit. While she was smiling ear to ear, Sienna was holding back the daggers that threatened to shoot.
  • Be professional. She scolded herself, as she too greeted, “Morning,”
  • Sienna flashed the tightest smile she could master. Kaemon leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest making the muscles of his biceps pop out. The shirt was a very good fit on his body, and one could see the visible outline of his muscular body even with the fabric of the shirt. He had gained muscles and looked larger than the last time Sienna had seen him.
  • I never knew someone could change so much in two weeks. Sienna thought to herself.
  • And she had to admit, she felt a little intimidated. And that was not a great news heeding to the threats she had issued and well…her attraction towards Kaemon.
  • “I need a representative from the acquisitions team later for a meeting with a potential client. Do you think you can arrange it?” Sienna asked and he nodded.
  • “I will be more than pleased to help you myself.” He said with one of his charming smiles and Sienna’s hand twitched, she was more than willing to knock that smile off his face.
  • “Great!” Sienna smiled, “I will send you the conference link.”
  • “Better come to the conference room and I will join you.” He smiled and walked out of the door.
  • “I don’t know how you held yourself back. I swear I thought you would be smacking him across the face.” Della chuckled as she gathered up her things.
  • “I sure did think about it too, but I don’t think attacking him from the front that too in broad daylight would be a good idea.” Sienna grimaced as she returned her attention to the papers piled on her table.
  • “I agree with that. Damn that man has become huge! Like did you see those biceps! Uff!” Della nodded her head biting down on her lip. And Sienna was more than glad that she was not the only one who noticed.
  • Kaemon had gained a lot of pure muscle. Now don’t even start thinking Sienna was checking him out. She wasn’t checking him out through the window, she was just keeping an eye out for Selena- for Kaemon. She was keeping an out for her mortal enemy.
  • “I know right! I might end up hiring some gangsters to support me at this point.” Sienna scoffed flipping through the files.
  • “That wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I would have helped you myself, but these knuckles can’t afford to get bruised.”
  • “Yeah sure. Now go on and finish the proposal for the new client. I won’t go easy on you if you slack off just because you are my friend who knows how I am planning on fighting the acquisition team lead.” Sienna said as she opened up her laptop making Della scoff.
  • “Of course, madam.” Della smiled and left her office closing the door behind her. Sienna looked through the glass wall and found Kaemon staring at her. As soon as their eyes met, he smiled and lifted the mug he was holding in air. Sienna walked towards the glass wall and smiled before pulling the tilt to pull down the blinds.