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Chapter 56

  • This Is Not Over
  • "Today is probably the day we die." Dina was mad and I couldn't help but agree with Dezra that we were probably going to die in the Head maid's hands today. We were in front of her; I and the three other kitchen maids, with our heads hung low and our hands held together in front of us while Dina strode up and down the kitchen with her cat like eyes piercing holes into our body as if looking at us like that would get the truth out of our mouths. We've been at it since we resumed to the kitchen this morning and we've barely even had the time to cook up the Alpha's breakfast before she swung it on us that one of us was responsible for the incidence that started a few nights ago which has caught Dina's attention. I was the culprit of course but how exactly was I supposed to confess to the disappearance of food stuff in the Kitchen? Dina would probably kill me before the words even make it out of my mouth. Her roaming up and down like a lion examining its prey before pouncing on it, was death itself and I struggled to keep myself from shaking and giving the truth away. "So not a single one of you has anything to say about this?" No one replied. We just stood there in the same position,fidgeting. "Are you kidding me right now?" Dina yelled, startling us all and causing us to jump back in fright. Now I was more convinced that there was no way I was going to confess to being responsible for the crime that Dina claimed to have a few started days ago. Or to put it more accurately, the crime that started since the Alpha assigned the three new maids to the kitchen. It's not new to me and even the maids that Dina finds new ways to frustrate them every single day, dumping the blame of every bad thing that happens on them even if I'm at fault sometimes; too much seasonings–them, broken spatulas–them, sour fruits and vegetables–them, the princess lashing out on Dina at the dinner table–them. All three of them. Just like she's doing today. She failed to hide her anger and hatred for them and I was shocked Dina actually hated someone else other than me. Which is why I couldn't believe Dina failed to suspect me, who spends late hours in the kitchen, cooking for the next day but instead blames the girls who leave as soon as the Alpha eats dinner. "It can only be one of you three! Don't you get it? Food stuff started disappearing since the time you arrived and yet to claim not to have anything to do with it. Tell me, do we now have a ghost in the kitchen?" I felt really bad for the girls, knowing they were bearing the brunt for something I did but there was no way I was confessing to it. Who would have ever even thought Dina would notice it? The store that is right by the kitchen had so much raw food that could last months without anyone realizing a few things have been taking out on the sides. But I really shouldn't be surprised either knowing the kind of person Dina was. I just didn't expect her to catch on so fast. I knew I had to do something before she really makes the maids suffer because of me. I cleared my throat. "Umm...why don't we come back to it later? It's almost time to serve the Alpha's breakfast." I hoped to God that she would at least listen to me for the first time since we met. She shifted her gaze away from the innocent maids before making it fall on me. I gulped, expectantly waiting for her to lash out on me but she merely sneered at me before turning back to the maids. "This is not over," she threatened before walking away from us. We let out harsh breaths all at once as soon as she had her back turned to us. The maids scampered over to their different chores. "You got lucky today but I assure you, you'll be dead meat next time," I walked around the kitchen table to get my apron and to begin the day's work. "You said that the last three times too and yet here I am, alive and breathing just fine." I countered but I knew Dezra just wouldn't let it go. "Seriously Haera, you need to be careful, do you think now is the time to frolick around with a guard?" "He's an Alpha prince!" I shushed her before she got the chance to argue again. We've had the same argument over and over again and I've become tired of hearing her go on and on about all the ways my new friend was bad news and smells like trouble and how I should stay far away from him. Dezra didn't complain about my relationship with Alpha prince Tybalt until it seemed to her like he was getting too close for comfort when I on the other hand enjoyed his company so much. It's only been a few days since the night he saved me but I've suddenly found a reason to be happy and things to look forward to that isn't just seeing Alpha Zachary or serving his food. It's shocking–how well we clicked and how much I found his company relaxing and fun. The unlikely relationship between a Palace guard with Alpha blood and a mere Assistant Chef was one I never imagined since I've never really made friends with people and then all of a sudden, I found myself a male friend way out of my league and that I had once considered bad and dangerous. But I couldn't help it. Alpha prince Tybalt was the complete opposite of who I thought him to be and the more time we spent together, the more I realized how amazing he was. He was charming, funny, enigmatic, supportive and understanding. He listens to me speak jargons, he has a first-hand experience of the food I'll be serving to the Alpha the next day,he laughs at my stupid jokes and sincerely seemed to enjoy being around me. But of course, Dezra felt it was all too good to be true. "And he's a friend...he enjoys my cooking, listens to me speak and supports me." Dezra snorted. "Let's see if he'll support you when you get caught cooking him different recipes with the Alpha's foodstuff late at night!" There, she said it. I've been taking out extra food from the store to make new recipes for Alpha prince Tybalt to taste. In other words, I was the foodstuff thief but no one has to know that. I could just lay low for a while and stop the Alpha Prince from coming to the kitchen. "Look Dezra, I've finally found someone willing to hear me talk and enjoys my company when others and even my mate don't care. I won't throw it away because of your mere assumptions. I don't know what sort of relationship he has with my mate, it's none of my business." Dezra said nothing after that and I assumed we were done arguing about it now and the next few days. With Dezra quiet and time passing by so fast, I joined the rest of the maids in putting the final touches to the Alpha's breakfast and headed to the dining hall. I was met with slight disappointment when I didn't see the Alpha in his usual seat or anywhere around the dining hall. He must be busy with pack duties as always. Being in the dining hall reminded me of the last time I was there when he asked me if I was okay with concern evident in his voice. I was yet to understand why he asked me that question but it left a tingly feeling inside me for days and distracted my thoughts if I wasn't thinking of Alpha prince Tybalt. I was convinced that was the reason why I stopped sensing his scent in the kitchen. I haven't sensed him ever since that night with the older maids and since I started having his brother around me. After serving a very nasty and snappy princess her breakfast and waiting around for her to finish up, we left and returned back to the kitchen. Thankfully, Dina seemed to have forgotten about the foodstuff crises and we moved about doing the rest of our chores for the day. Since the first thing I looked forward to every morning caused me disappointment today, I only had the second thing I looked forward to every night to look forward to. Meeting Alpha prince Tybalt. We're both always busy during the day but we were also avoiding attention and so our rendezvous was always at night. "Come here Haera," Dina called when it was nighttime and well past the time we retired to our rooms after serving the princess her dinner. The three young maids left just moments ago and Dina was just about to leave to when she called me. I didn't miss the beat my heart skipped when she called for me. Did she find out? I heeded her call and stepped in front of her. "You're going to be here till midnight right? Can you leave a little later? So you can watch out for whoever is stealing the food. All you have to do is hide somewhere and then scream for help when you see any of those three pesky maids." "That's it...I'm convinced that no one can ever be as dumb as this woman," Dezra exclaimed while I just grinned at Dina's serious face. "Yes, head maid." She gave a slight nod before turning and leaving me all by myself in the kitchen just like every time. "She's not dumb Dezra, her hatred is what's got her blinded from the truth. Luckily for me, it's in my favour," Making sure Dina was really out of sight, I rushed to the store and opened it up with a wide smile on my face. "So... what are we cooking today?" I said to myself in a singsong voice. "I'd eat anything you make." I didn't expect an answer but the familiar voice made me turn around just as Dezra's irritated growl announced his presence. Alpha prince Tybalt stood in the middle of the room with his signature sly smile gracing his lips. I smiled back just as I hauled out a bag of potatoes from the store and locked it. "You're here early." He shrugged, moving over to take the bag of potatoes from me, lifting what I carried with both my arms, with a single hand of his own. I ogled the way his muscles flexed as he did. "I ran into you know who. Told her I was on patrol here and she seemed to be happy. Mentioned something about a thief..." He raised his brows suggestively just as he dropped the bag of potatoes on the kitchen table. I avoided his gaze and began to wash the potatoes "It's not stealing if it's for the good of the Alpha. He gets to eat new things thanks to me." He chuckled, settling himself by the kitchen chair just like he always does. This was our routine every night. He'll sit and watch, while I cook and make small talks with him. "So, what are you making tonight?" "You'll see." The night went the usual way. Him tasting my food before I even finish preparing it, telling me what is too much and what's too little, laughing at my mistakes and making fun of me and then helping me to write each new recipe discovery on the walls of the kitchen for reference later and of course Dezra was moody all through. When we were done, we both washed the place clean and rid it of any evidence of our crime even whenI know that Dina would probably rave and rant all over again tomorrow. When we got outside, it was very dark and way past midnight. The clouds covered the moon darkly and gave no chance for its rays. "So...see you tomorrow?" He said just as we left the kitchen. "See you tomorrow." I replied with a wave. He nodded slightly but remained standing in front of me, his brown eyes gaining over the rest of his features made dark by the night. I stood there too , puzzled and unable to comprehend while he was looking at me that way. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. I could sense his nervousness and it made me nervous too. He shifted closer, hesitation evident in his movements while I peered up at his frame that towered over me. Then he leaned in close, his scent encompassing any other that was around us that moment and then I felt his lips as they touched my head in a soft and light kiss. He moved away from me just as quick as he kissed my forehead while I was stunned to silence. "Goodnight Haera." He turned to leave. I stood there for seconds, trying to collect myself and understand what just happened. It took a lot more than a few seconds before I accept the fact that Alpha prince Tybalt just kissed my forehead in the most tender way ever. I touched my head slowly as if I could still feel him there and I grinned stupidly at how good and warm his lips felt on my forehead. I began to trudge along the path that led to the maid quarters while my mind replayed the little details of his tender kiss on my forehead. I didn't know what it meant to me but I loved the feeling it left me with. I was almost at the corner that was the turn to the maid quarters when I sensed his scent. I paused and sniffed around me. Was I imagining things again? But this was definitely the first time I would sense him in a place like this. It has always been the kitchen. I shrugged it off even if the scent got stronger as I got close to the corner. Just as I was about to make the turn, an arm grabbed me, making me yelp slightly as it pulled me into the corner, away from The lights of the maid quarters that was only a few feet away. I didn't even get the chance to scream because another hand was placed firmly on my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I wouldn't have anyway. Because I recognized those grey eyes instantly as well as the familiar tingle of my body being close to him. His body radiated some sort of energy that shot down the tingles and made goosebumps decorate my body like art instead. It took me a second to realize what the energy was. Anger. Alpha Zachary was angry and he was holding me at a corner in the middle of the night in a place where I never even imagined he would ever show up. His eyes were hard and the fury in them was unmistakable. I've not been this close to him in so long yet I couldn't enjoy it because my mate was mad at something and I didn't even know what it was. Why was he even here? "You must be having so much fun," he said. His voice was as hard as his eyes. I blinked back at him, because I was confused and because I couldn't talk with his palm covering my mouth. I struggled to talk but it came out muffled. He moved his hand away when he realized this but his other hand still maintained a tight grip on me. "Alpha...what are you doing here?" "Why does everyone care where I go to?! It's my pack!" He growled in my face and caused me to whimper slightly. "I--i don't Know what you mean but you need to calm down." "Really? You're going to pretend you don't Know what I'm talking about?" I raised my brows at him. "I'm not pretending. I simply do not know what this is about!" He chuckled darkly and the sound of it made me shiver slightly. I concluded immediately that I didn't like this side of him. "Fine then... let's both pretend we don't know what this is all about. But listen up Haera because I won't say it again, stay away from Tybalt." My lips trimmed into a thin line. How the hell did he kn-- "Stay away from him." I think he let his guard on me down because I jerked his hand away to get a grip of myself and s good look at him. "Excuse me?" "Funny how you make me go against a lot of things, I said I won't repeat it again but if that's what it takes to get to you then I will say it over and over again, Tybalt is up to no good. Stay away from him!" He spelled it out again fully convincing me that I wasn't hearing things and he really did just tell me to stay away from his brother. "He's a good for nothing Wolf who is probably after something. I'm yet to find out what but stay away from him Haera." I laid my questions of how he found out aside and returned his glare. He had no right to talk about Tybalt that way "No." His brows furrowed as his lips turned on the sides, forming a frown. "What?" "No." His eyes turned hard again as he rained strings or curses under his breath with his eyes closed before opening them to look at me again. "How dare y--" "Let me speak! Do you agree that I am your mate?" "What are you talki--No!" His bluntness hurt both me and Dezra slightly but I failed to acknowledge it. "Then why does it matter to you who I talk to? Why? Fine! Your brother is up to no good then you should do something about it. Why does me being in the picture bother you when I'm just a mere maid?" I yelled in his face while he was stunned to silence. "Did you just yell at me?" He said when he finally found his voice, inching even closer to me and grabbing me by the arm once again. His fingers dug into it and made me wince slightly. As if realizing he was hurting me, he softened his hold on me but I wanted to be far away from him. Fuck the mate bond! I hated him. "You disregard me, treat me like I don't exist and the next minute you act all possessive and like you care about me" "You give me false hopes when it's all just your ego blinding you like now. You don't care about me! All you care about is your so called attraction to me. You're mad because you can't stand to see me with your brother." I fumed while he just watch me, speechless. I poked at his chest and he was taken aback by my brute attitude. I didn't give a damn because I was mad at him and myself for actually hoping he would come back to me. "Tell me, how long have you been watching me? How long?" "Haera–" "Forget it, I don't want to hear anything from you anymore. I'm a mere maid and what happens to me is not any of a powerful Alpha's business. If you feel threatened by your brother, talk it out with him, not me." Silence followed my words as we both stared at each other. Grey angry eyes clashing with Amber ones. Realizing he had nothing else to say to me, I jerked myself off his hold and made to leave. "Haera, you will not walk away from me like that. I swear on the moon goddess I'll have you punished." I turned back to him, leaned in close enough to have my lips next to his ear and then I stood on my tiptoes to whisper into his ear. "Watch me walk away... Alpha." And with one last look at his now raging eyes, I stepped out of the corner and walked back in the direction I was headed before he grabbed me. I guess I don't have anything to look forward to anymore, every morning starting tomorrow.
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