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Chapter 47

  • HAERA They were all gone? Silence engulfed me as I ceased working for a while to see if I was alone once again or not. They had left me to it just like they had been doing in the past few days. It was unfortunate that I couldn't continue to cook but it was much more unfortunate that I had to overwork like a fucking machine. There was nothing that gladdens my heart in this pack...Absolutely nothing. Well except Opaline. She might be reserved but she was no doubt the only friend I had in Alpha Zachary's pack. I couldn't believe it myself but I missed my old pack and the life that I was forced to leave behind all because of Alpha Zachary's request. Yes, the maids uniform at moonstone pack was hideous but my uniform changed when my status changed from being a maid to a chef. A chef.... I missed that too. Nostalgia hit me when I looked at the uniform I had on. It was the same as the other maids in this pack but it was nowhere close to my chef uniform. Dezra was silent while I reminisced about what had become of my good old days in the kitchen. I might never get to cook again if this persists. All I get to do now was washing, cleaning, and every other chore that makes a maid a maid. I sighed in relief as I put the last plate on the dish rack. "You aren't done yet-" "Keep your opinions to yourself Dezra! I have enough on my plate as it is." I snapped at my wolf. I knew what she was about to say and I also knew she was damn right but what could I have done? Fight with all the maids in the pack? Or better still, should I have defied Dina? I would rather go with the flow than make matters worse for myself. I hated being in the pack and no one wanted me there nor did they try to conceal their hatred for me. It wasn't supposed to hurt this much. I pulled myself and my thoughts together. I had to wash the maids serving clothes in preparation for the Luna crowning ceremony which was to happen tomorrow. "It's happening Today, Haera. It's past midnight." Dezra corrected. I wasn't surprised by the information because that had been my routine for the past four days....sleep later than everyone else but wake up earlier than they do too. By the time I was done with the chores, I had less than two hours and thirty minutes to sleep. I went straight to the room I had been sharing with Opaline and a few other maids in order to make the best use of the little time I had. Opaline was snoring softly and I lay down with the hope of joining her in dreamland. Tomorrow was going to be a long day for everyone but for me, it was more than that. ***************** Nothing on earth could have prepared me for the effect of the ice-cold water that was dumped on my head three hours later. I screamed as I returned from dreamland, waking my roommates but they all except Opaline turned their back on the scene and went back to sleep. "You didn't wash my uniform yesterday before you brought your lazy ass to bed!" Dina yelled at my shivering body as I struggled to stand up to my feet. I was completely doused and I could feel the water slipping into my underwear in search of my skin. Dina didn't wait for me to get a grasp of the situation before she dragged me out of my room. I was pushed into the laundry room with instructions to wash every cloth that was in there as a way of punishing me for not washing her chef uniform last night. From the scent and material of the clothes, I could tell they all belonged to Princess Ilvira. The princess hadn't stayed up to a week in this pack but it seemed like she had worn her entire wardrobe. Cold morning air blew into the laundry room through the window and I shivered like a wet kitty before rushing over to the window to close it. The day hasn't broken yet but my day has begun already. Before I started washing, I had to fetch water from the nearest water source because there was none in the laundry room. I tried to finish washing Princess ilvira's clothes before daybreak but I didn't succeed. I was stuck there for hours. "I hate seeing you like this, Haera. Let me fight for us if you don't want to!" I had assumed she didn't want to talk to me because I was harsh to her before I went to bed but Dezra broke her silence and I could feel her anger in my veins. "No Dezra. This is the best way." I responded weakly as I spread Princess Ilvira's clothes. I decided to get some rest or food after I completed the job but Dina appeared from nowhere to make my life more miserable. I wanted to bad. Why? I was barely holding my emotions back because this night, someone I detest so much was going to take my position and there was nothing I could do about it. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically tired but help didn't seem to be coming my way. Before the day was fixed, I had wished the full moon wouldn't appear for a while because, without it, the rituals couldn't take place. Little did I know that even the moon was against me. More reasons why I took all the shit that was thrown at me by other maids and Dina. I wanted to get my mind off the inevitable ceremony. I did everything, Dina ordered me to do, striving to remain sane. "It's Time." Dina announced and my stomach fell. It really was time. The full moon had announced it before Dina did, shining and gracing the pack's land and the venue with its natural light. "The time we have all been waiting for." Dina added, addressing all the maids that had gathered in accordance with her instructions. We had all been decorating the same venue that was used for the duel to make it beautiful enough for the ceremony. Dina was right, every pack member has been waiting for their Alpha mate to be crowned as their Luna mostly because they wanted to feel connected to the Princess. But I wasn't as excited as they were. The loud pre-opening chant by the pack members consumed me and dug up the emotions I had buried. It's better to stay back in my room. Dina hadn't assigned me to any specific duty tonight...Thankfully- I felt a soft jab on my ankle and my amber eyes dropped to see Opaline's foot kicking mine softly like she was trying to get my attention discreetly. Was she trying to tell me some- "Do I need to get your ears checked, Haera!" Dina shouted at me. I realized she had been calling out to me but I was lost in thought. Dina frowned at me and I wished she was in my shoe because if she was, she wouldn't have the strength to treat me harshly. "I'm sorr-" "Keep quiet!" Dina shouted again. She smirked at me and I knew she was up to no good. "I understand you did most of the work today so I will exclude you from all the tedious duties tonight." Or Was she up to something good? Does that mean I can really stay in my room as I had planned? "All you have to do is tend to Luna's needs and you will be in charge of monitoring the crown before her official coronation." Just kill me. "And if you perform the task well, I might be kind enough to make you the luna's personal maid." I'm doomed. Dina must have sensed the tension between Princess Ilvira and me and that was most likely why she was setting me up. Her evil smirk says it all. Where was Dezra when I needed her not-so-supportive words? Dina dismissed the meeting after she was certain everyone had gotten one or two things to do. Opaline smiled at me which I took as her way of encouraging my defeated mind. I followed the others to the venue. Despite the cold breeze of the night, I was sweating and my throat was parched dry. "This should be our ceremony!" There she was. Dezra's tone came off strong but I knew better. She was about to break too. "Should we get out of here?" I whispered to her but I got no response and my foot remained rooted to the position I had been assigned to. A loud sound of an ancient horn and trumpets took over from the pack members who had been chanting. I understood why the clearing outside the palace gate was used for this ceremony too. They had invited other packs to witness the coronation and I spotted Gennora soon enough but I didn't leave my position...I couldn't leave according to the rules Dina made. The sound of drums soon joined the music as a way to notify the crowd that the Alpha was about to make his entrance. I didn't need to be notified. I could perceive his scent more than anyone else. "Join me to welcome Alpha Zachary of the prominent Imperial pack!" The announcer of the ceremony said and the gathering except for the other Alphas and their Lunas rose to the feet as they welcomed him. My nostril took his scent in and my eyes did the same as he walked majestically to his seat which had been stationed on the highest ground. He didn't see me at first but my eyes didn't miss a single detail about him, not even his worried expression. Alpha Zachary was dressed in his traditional Alpha attire and even though he almost killed me the last time I was in his throne chamber, I thought he was good-looking. Dezra whimpered, forgetting she was mad at him just like I was when his eyes finally met mine. The mate bond created the sparks again but I kept a blank face that matched his perfectly. If he was affected by my presence, he didn't show it. He simply sat down, taking his eyes off me and I saw no reason to show mine either. My thoughts were interrupted by sweet slow music that could only be used to welcome someone as perfect and beautiful as Princess Ilvira. "And here is the beauty of the ceremony. The soon-to-be crowned Luna of Imperial Pack. Princess Ilvira!" The crowd erupted in cheers and even my destined mate stood up from his seat to welcome his fake mate. Princess Ilvira was escorted by Dina and some other maids like the Queen she was about to be. She was beautifully clothed in the Luna's robe which was meant to be mine. "Everyone might be seeing a perfect Princess Or Lina when they look at her but all I see is a thief." Dezra mumbled silently in my head. I felt for her. I pitied both of us. I didn't know how long I had left to spend with Dezra. What if she was to disappear tonight or in the next few minutes? "You are stuck with me for the rest of our life because I'm never leaving you alone. I mean what would you do without me?" I smiled for the first time that day as she praised herself. Truly, there was nothing I could have done without my wolf. She gave me joy when I was sad. She pulled me up when I was down. She gave me strength when I was at my weakest. Without Dezra there would not be Haera. It was as simple as that. I desperately wanted to leave the ceremony as well as the pack but Dina cleared her throat, bringing me back to my brutal reality. She placed a slightly heavy crown on my outstretched hands before she bowed to the princess who had taken the shiny seat next to where I had been standing. I avoided Princess Ilvira's gaze and took my time to admire the crown that would never be mine. I began to doubt if it was actually destined to be mine. The delicate well-crafted crown was placed on a soft red pillow. Its not-too-long edges and the base were adorned with gems of different shapes, sizes, and colors. I was too preoccupied with the crown to see the dancers and other entertainers that performed. It was the crowd's gaiety that called me out of my daze. "I hereby declare that the traditional crowning rites can begin." A Man in a black overflowing attire which I assumed to be the one of the pack's elders who perform such rites as this addressed the crowd before she stepped towards Princess Ilvira with two other elderly men following closely behind him. One of the old men presented a knife to Alpha Zachary and he slit his palm without hesitation. His blood was collected into a small cup and brought back to the Elder who chanted something into the cup before handing it over to the princess. The more the ceremony was moved to the part where I would have to part with the crown, the more I considered running away with it. Stupid me. What difference would that make? My wolf was mourning our loss while I remained strong as the crowd mutilated throughout the process. "Drink up, Luna." The elder in charge said loudly enough for every werewolf in attendance to hear. Princess Ilvira took the cup graciously and she emptied the content into her throat. My eyes followed the movement of her esophagus and I felt the urge to strangle her to death. The elderly man took the cup from Princess Ilvira, showed the emptiness of the cup to the crowd, and listed out her roles as the Luna to the Princess. "I agree to perform my duties as the Luna of Imperial pack." The crowd bowed at once which made me assume Princess Ilvira was finally connected to them. And I? I was their Alpha's true mate but I felt nothing with them. Pity. Alpha Zachary stood up, walked towards me, and lifted the crown from the pillow I had been holding. He didn't spare me a glance. He just walked away from me to crown his marked Luna who was standing expectantly. "It isn't going to happen." I said to myself but it did and Dezra cried out when Princess Ilvira received the Luna crown. As much as I wanted to cry, I didn't. I allowed Dezra to do that on our behalf as I watched my mate and his fake mate seal the coronation with a kiss. Everyone went wide with happiness. Everyone but me of course. "Go and consulate the coronation, Alpha." Someone yelled from the crowd and Alpha Zachary chuckled heartily before he carried his Luna like a new bride. "It's over." Dezra cried. But the look the new Luna gave me as she and my mate left the platform screamed "This is just the beginning."
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