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Chapter 231

  • I hear the sound of tires screeching to a stop and somehow I just know. I grab Lexi quickly and yank her to the ground with me before all hell breaks loose.
  • Bullets fly across the entire restaurant. Piercing and hitting everything. Wood splinters. Glass breaks. Food goes flying. A few customers have been hit. Some are screaming others are bleeding out. But through it all I never let her go. I hold her to me. As I pull out my gun and start shooting in the direction of the outside car. We’re a bit more protected than most of the restaurant since I decided to sit in the way back. But I still have a clean shot and view to the front. And the old beat up Cadillac with a dumbass sticking his head out of the back and another one out the front shooting rifles.
  • Cranio comes out with his gun and starts shooting.
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