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Chapter 114 No One Is Better

  • -Reyna
  • I can barely feel any part of me. Hades wasn’t joking when he said he’d try and break me. I haven’t had food or water in days. My body’s weak and exhausted and I feel broken. After hades came in and took my necklace he sent it to Mason as a message. But when he asked me to talk to him. To tell him I didn’t want to be with him. I knew I had to give him something. Anything. Even though it felt useless. After hearing about his engagement. But I still had to try. Saying underworld the way I did. Twice at that. I was hoping he’d pick up on it. Especially since the original word I used was Hell. But hades wouldn’t know that. But I can’t be certain Mason picked up on it. He could just think it was a normal thing.
  • God I hope not though.
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