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Chapter 139 Two Left Feet

  • I take her hand and we both turn towards everyone here. I help Reyna down the steps and we walk down the aisle. Once we’re out everyone else follows soon behind us and starts heading down the hall where the rest of the wedding party is being held. We let everyone go first while me and Reyna tell them all thank you for coming. Not that none of them need to hear it.
  • Once they’ve all gone I look over at my beautiful bride. And she smiles right back at me when I do. “Today was beautiful baby. Never thought I’d be happy to have a wedding.”
  • I pull her closer. “I never thought I would too baby.” That’s so crazy. A year ago I’d never believe someone if they told me I would be happy and married and soon expecting. I would tell them they’ve lost their dam mind, but I guess that’s what happens when you meet the right person, the one who makes everything worth while. “How about we head on in.”
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