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Chapter 20 News

  • Sia felt the warm rays of the morning sun kissing her skin through the crack of her curtain. She twirled around, stirring slightly. She didn’t wake up at exactly six a.m. like she always does partly because of how exhausted she felt.
  • She propped up from her bed, yawning and stretching at the same time. Her scruffy brunette hair covered her face. Sia sat there for mini minutes, meditating.
  • Afterward, she swung her feet on the floor and crawled to the bathroom to brush. When done brushing she crept back to the room. However, her eyes caught the file she returned home last night with.
  • “Oh… Lucas’s file.” She mumbled under her breath as she ploded close to her dresser where the file was kept.
  • “I guess I should look into it and figure out his business with Mr. Monson.” She said, hands gripping the file.
  • Sia waddled to her bed and flipped the file open studying its content.
  • “Partnership?” she mumbled, flipping the next pages. “Lucas wants to partner with the Monson group…on what ground? Why does he want to intertwine…is his company going bankrupt?”
  • Sia pinched the bridge of her nose, deep in thought. She learned that Mr. Monson was just on the verge of approving the deal but died before even consenting to the proposal.
  • “Poor Lucas. Heaven just delivered you in my arms. Let’s see how you’ll take the news.” She simpered, feeling stark happy at the moment.
  • She threw the flies aside reluctant of the details and documents fixed inside them and picked up her phone then began sliding through the latest news feed.
  • A particular news from bloggers caught Sia’s attention.
  • “The squabbles in the Monson family.” The headline says.
  • “Squabbles? What squabbles?” She asked herself, then she read further.
  • “Silas Monson lodged a report about the ongoing skirmishes transpiring in the Monson family as the widow sits in possession of all the Monson properties. He also made the public believe that she jinxed the late Mr. Monson to make her the next ruler of the Monson family. However, Silas assured the public he'll work hard to retain his right as the next ruler of the family.” Sia read aloud, completely shellshocked at Silas's accusations.
  • “Jinxed Mr. Monson!?” She asked herself then a dry chuckle evaded her lips. “Silas will never stop.”
  • Suddenly, Sia remembered that Michelle was saying something about Silas last night but was interrupted when Estrella called. Sia wondered what Michelle was referring to but decided to question her later, that’s if she’d remember at all.
  • As time wore on, Sia eventually decided to prep for work. It’s Friday and she wouldn’t have gone to work but because of the interview, she needs to go to the company.
  • She freshened up in a matter of minutes and crept downstairs to the dining.
  • Michelle was making a beeline to the dining table with a tray of food in her hands. When she spotted Sia, her lips tore apart in a grin.
  • “Good morning, Mrs. Monson. How was your night?” Michelle’s voice cut through the silent room, luring Sia’s attention.
  • “Morning Michelle. Sure, I dozed well.” With a content smile, Sia informed. Eyes bashing at the tray of food in Michelle’s hands. “And what am I having this morning?” Sia inquired.
  • “Scrambled eggs and beacon,” Michelle responded, placing the tray in front of Sia.
  • Without further ado, Sia nabbed her fork and began stabbing the food, stuffing it into her mouth, savoring the taste.
  • However, as Michelle made to head back to the kitchen Sia thwarted her from trailing further by calling out to her.
  • “Michelle!” she called in between mouthfuls of food.
  • Halting, Michelle veered and faced Sia.
  • “Yes, Mrs. Monson. Any problem?”
  • “You mentioned Silas last night…”
  • “Yes I did, you were on call so…”
  • Sia interrupted Michelle instantly with her question.
  • “And what about him?”
  • This time, Michelle closed the distance between them. She perched her hands on the table, eyes meeting Sia’s.
  • “I feel something’s wrong Mrs. Monson."
  • She whispered.
  • “What could it be?”
  • Taking a long, slow breath, Michelle continued. “Mr. Silas came here yesterday with a few elders of the family and his mother…” Michelle trailed off.
  • Startled, Sia asked, gaping, “Elders of the Monson family and his mother? His mother?”
  • Shaking her head, Michelle confirmed, “Yes. His mother might be in Florida as we speak.”
  • Sia suddenly found herself in a swamp of confusion. She knows that aside from Silas, another person that poses a problem to her in the Monson family is Silas’s mother. Till today, Sia doesn’t even know her name, as she always refers to her as second Mrs. Monson or Silas’s mother.
  • Huffs, Sia dropped the fork she held firmly, twined her palms together, and supported her jaw with it, mind deep in thought.
  • “Why were they here? Which of elders did they come with?” Sia probed further, her pulse quickening.
  • “Elder James…I’ve forgotten others names…”
  • “James!!!” Sia found herself screaming the name. Elder James happens to be the leader of Monson’s elders and he rarely looks into minor matters, which means the issue at hand is beyond control.
  • Sia lay mute, thinking of the cause of their sudden visit to Mr. Monson’s house.
  • “Something must have instigated this visit. I wonder what it is.” Sia whispered under her breath. The appetite to finish off her food dimmed, as her mind began to process any possible answer to this unforeseen visit.
  • ‘Is it because of the skirmishes Silas proclaimed to the public?’
  • ‘Is there something I did that warranted the visit?’
  • ‘What did Silas tell them?’
  • Rolls of questions reeled Sia’s mind. She abruptly rose from her seat, slung her bag in her left arm, tucked her hair strand behind her ear, and strode away.
  • “See you later Mrs. Monson!” Michelle said, bidding Sia goodbye.
  • Sia screeched to a stop by the car door where her driver fluttered the door open, then she clenched herself inside. Questions reeling in her mind.
  • The driver started the engine and they drove off.
  • Moments later, they arrived at the company and Sia hastened upstairs to her office using the exclusive elevator.
  • She clomped to her office not heeding the glances thrown at her.
  • Many people on that floor still wonder who the woman is because she hasn’t publicly introduced herself and no one knows who the widow is.
  • All they know Sia as is ‘the Monson’s widow’ but haven’t laid eyes on her.
  • Sia reached for the doorknob and swiveled it, she angled her head downwards so that she didn’t notice the sight before her until she swung her feet inside.
  • “Good morning, ma’am.” Sia heard Rebekah’s voice and shot her eyes at the direction it emanated and thereon spun her eyes around, noting the changes made in the office.
  • Everywhere looks plush and impeccably stylish.
  • She flit her eyes on the murals hung on the wall which were nature scenery, quotes, and artwork.
  • The desk was changed too likewise the seats. The office was repainted white and the area the flat-screen TV hung was ornated with wallpaper. Beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, a small coffee table and two seats were kept there. At the far corner of the office, a small grey-colored, refrigerator and couch were kept with a white standing air conditioner.
  • Marveled, a satisfied smile peeled from Sia’s lips.
  • “Before twenty-four hours?” Was the first thing that escaped her lips.
  • Smiling, Rebekah nodded, “yes ma’am.”
  • “Wonderful. Amazing. Quite a sight.” Sia commented, striding to her seat.
  • She plunked on it, swiveling the chair.
  • “And did anyone indicate their interest in the personal assistant position?” She asked Rebekah, brows cocked.
  • “Yes, many did. As we speak, they are waiting in the lobby.”
  • “Awesome. Let them in serially.” Sia clapped her hands together and spat.
  • “Sure ma’am…”
  • Then Rebekah stormed out of the office.
  • Sia readied herself for the interview.
  • The first person trailed inside the office, jittering. She couldn’t hold Sia’s gaze as a result of fear. However, Sia was cognizant of that.
  • ‘No no, she isn’t bold enough.’ Sia’s first thought.
  • The lady sank on the seat after greeting Sia and she began throwing imploding questions at the lady.
  • Unfortunately, she couldn’t voice a good response and Sia discharged her in a huff.
  • A moment later, Sia already interviewed twenty people but no one met the criteria.
  • “Come in,” Sia said wearily, yawning.
  • Then the person crept inside, this time it was a young guy with curly brunette hair and brows. His brown eyes are a bit magnificent and he’s tall.
  • “Good morning ma’am.” Said the guy, attracting Sia’s attention.
  • When their eyes met, the young guy felt his pulse quickening. He started feeling a sudden tug of attraction for Sia.
  • He bashed his eyes on hers, slurping in Sia’s features. The outline of her jaw, the curve of her cheeks, her protruded forehead, and incredibly mesmerizing eyes.
  • “Any problem?”
  • Heeding the transfixed state of the young man, Sia asked.
  • Apparently, Sia’s question nudged the guy out of his reverie.
  • “Liam!” He sputtered.