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Chapter 47 Epilogue

  • *Eight months later*
  • Zara
  • A loud cry was made in the kingdom of Spain. The people who knew what that signified took it upon themselves to mourn. Indeed, the Queen dowager had died. No one knew how she died. Rumors even had it that she had gone to meet her step son, which was the king, who also died few months ago.
  • The royal announcers took it upon themselves to announce the death of Esmeralda. As I watched this scenario from my window, Zack came around me.
  • “Lost in thoughts?” he asked. Over the few months, my baby bump had grown so big. My body had changed so much.
  • “Yeah, somehow.” I said.
  • As Zack reached to hug me, I felt something trickle down my skin. I wasn’t prepared for whatever came next. I yelled in pain that instant.
  • “What is it, Zara?!” Zack asked, with a panic-stricken voice.
  • “I think my water just broke.” I said.
  • ===
  • +Seven days later on Zara and Zack’s baby’s Christening ceremony+
  • Gwendolyn.
  • That was the name of my baby girl.
  • Brendon.
  • That was the name of my baby boy.
  • Indeed, I had twins. There was nothing happier than this. Now, here was I, at the balcony, with my girl in my hands. Zack was with our boy. Over the time, I had learnt a lot in this palace, as a princess and Queen. At times things might not be what they appeared to be.
  • “Am I interrupting anything?” Someone said. You could make a guess of who it was. It was no other than Fernanda. She had been married to Alejandro and I must say she had changed so much. Fernanda wasn’t a bad kid. She was just someone that needed love.
  • “Off course not, you’re always welcome!” I let out.
  • “Let’s take a family pic.” I heard someone say surprisingly. I looked horror stricken at the person. It was George.
  • “George!!” I cried out, running to him with my baby in my hands. Behind him was my family – Mum, my step-dad with my three siblings, Ella and her baby too.
  • “Hi, mum. Congratulations on your baby, Ella.” I said.
  • “Well congratulations too, Zara.” She said.
  • “My girl.” Mum said. She looked at me with so much adoration.
  • “Enough of this, let’s take a family pic.” George repeated. We all gathered together for the family picture.
  • “Everyone, say cheese.” He said.
  • “Cheese!!!” we all chorused.
  • I knew this all started with a royal betrothal. But I must say, this royal betrothal wasn’t bad at all…
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n I guess this is the end. Thanks, for reading this story!!