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Chapter 45 - Blatant Reactions

  • Zara
  • Merely by saying that, my heart flew a million folds to moon and back. It meant he would support me genuinely through every step, that he would stop ignoring me like he has done in the past few days.
  • “It’s ok,” I replied him. He walked me back to the room, holding my hands and guiding each step I took.
  • “I could walk you know. I’m pregnant not sick,” I let out sarcastically. He chuckled and released his grip on me. But, he still held me lightly. Zack walked me to the bed. I sat down comfortably watching him. 
  • I was still trying to fight the dizziness that swept over me but it won’t go for some reason. I felt like eating what I hated most…. 
  • Fish.
  • Which was weird.
  • “Go to sleep, Zara. You need to rest for the baby,” he said, guiding my body to hit the pillow. He set the duvet on me as I willingly slept without putting up a fight.
  • I was really tired.
  • And, today had barely started.
  • ===
  • I woke up only to sight the face I had used my crazy Juliet Ninja skills to run dodge over the past few days.
  • Esmeralda.
  • She had a sinister smile that was ridden above her lips. As I opened my eyes, I saw that just beside her was Maryann with a smiling face.
  • “Congratulations, My Queen, I heard the good news!” Maryann exclaimed. 
  • “Thank you, Mary.” I replied. 
  • Esmeralda waved her off to go out before she started talking.
  • “I see you did it quite the natural way then? When you told me to stop bothering you about a heir, I thought you were being childish. Didn’t know you had other plans?” she directed to me. 
  • I wanted to react to what she had said but I held the fuming fire in me. I hated the fact that she was one of those people who believed that there was a certain way a woman should behave.
  • “I guess it just showed up, Esmeralda.” I said. 
  • “And, I hope it’s a true heir not a girl child?” she asked. I knew she meant that I wasn’t allowed to give birth to a male. I felt my head boil once again.
  • “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, arching my brows.
  • “That you should give birth to a male and nothing less. Or I would have to select a capable concubine for Zack,” she said.
  • I've had just enough!
  • “Esmeralda?!” I cried out.
  • I immediately walked to the door and positioned myself at the entrance.
  • “Get out!” I seethed, with all will power in me. She narrowed her eyes at me. It definitely was pregnancy hormones even of I didn’t believe it existed.
  • “How bold you've become, child. Now let me tell you, you don’t know who you’re messing with. I'll ruin you before you could even think of it,” she said. 
  • “Just leave! Stay away from my path and instead focus on your children,” I said. She had just threatened to get Zack a concubine which was so intimidating. Merely thinking of it gave me goosebumps.
  • She suddenly look back.
  • “You dare to mention my kids, Zara?” she said, with a daring glance. 
  • “I— I didn’t mean that…” I trailed out.
  • “You’ll pay dearly for that!” she said before walking out the door. I silently wondered what I just got myself into.
  • She angrily left my room and slammed the door beside her.
  • ===
  • “My Queen… my Queen!” It was lush whispers. I had been walking the corridors of the palace. I looked ahead of me only to sight Maryann. 
  • “What?” I said but she closed my mouth, signaling for me to be quiet. I did as she told. She pulled my hand and directed my somewhere.
  • “Why did you bring—” I tried to say but she held my mouth shut. We were standing directly in front of Esmeralda's door which was slightly opened.
  • There was something that gave me a notion that she was up to no good.
  • I looked at Maryann until I began to hear Esmeralda on the phone with someone.
  • “It’s just a simple job, Smith. You kidnap Zara’s child and give it up for adoption!” She seethed angrily. My heart stopped and I reflexly touched my tummy having a sudden protective instinct to keep my baby safe.
  • “The mother? She could go to hell. You don’t need to worry about her. Let’s just say it’s a revenge for the sins she committed.” Esmeralda continued with the person on phone.
  • What was this?
  • She wanted to kidnap my child?
  • Then she'd have to go through me first.
  • “Zara’s death would be a different scenario, Smith. It would be after she conceives the child so they won’t smell a rat,” she said.
  • W-What?
  • M-my death?
  • All of a sudden, Maryann hits a nearby vase which off course crashes on the floor and brings us unusual attention.
  • “Who is there?” We heard her say. We hurriedly tip toed to my room and closed the door behind us.
  • I already had a weak stomach from knowing that the bitch wanted to kidnap my child and kill me.
  • “H-How did this happen?” I rhetorically asked myself.
  • “Did you cross her path, Zara?” Maryann asked.
  • “It was at the last moment. She was being so rude and I had no option.” I said. Millions of thoughts currently rambled through my head as she asked me that question.
  • “You’ve messed up. You have no choice than to think of ways you could eliminate her before she eliminates you on the day you'll put to bed.” She advised.
  • With a hand placed at the middle of my forehead, I started by thinking of how I could get rid of her. 
  • I wanted her to go away. She should just go away.
  • But, how did one do that?
  • I took one last look at Maryann.
  • I just knew what to. It was the survival of the fittest right? Killed or be killed. Doing whatever I had in mind would be a necessary evil.
  • “Thank you, Mary,” I said, expressing my inner gratitude for showing me whatever I needed to see today.
  • “It’s really nothing, Zara. I would be forever indebted to you for getting rid of her tortures on me,” she said and gave me a wink. I smiled as she did that, holding a protective hand over my belly.
  • I promise I’ll keep you safe, child.
  • Mama's gonna make sure you grow around your parents. You would leave a comfortable life, dear.
  • This I promise.
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n Hey everyone. How have you been? Please don’t forget to leave a valuable review. Thanks, for your precious coins!!