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Chapter 40 - Royal Funeral

  • Zara
  • It was by the time I had gotten out of my room, I got to hear the tragedy that had befallen the kingdom of Spain. They had just lost their king who was Zack’s dad. I felt so sorry, especially for Zack. He had just lost his dad!
  • God, I was such a fool. I should have listened to him when he told me to talk about what I wanted to talk about later. Instead, I did what stupid people did, spilling out my feelings at him.
  • Hence, I was rejected. I looked for Zack but he was nowhere to be found. I searched around the palace but saw no trace of him. I sought after him in every nook and cranny but still couldn’t find him.
  • Everyone in the palace wore a sad face. No one was happy with what had happened. I had even tried to offer my condolences to Fernánda but she told me she didn’t need my pity. 
  • I went to Zack’s mother’s room to console her but she didn’t say a word. She still appeared shocked from whatever had happened. I offered words of condolences to John and Julia when they wept about their grandpa. Samantha had apologized for their attachments but I had told her not to worry.
  • It was how they could shed their pain. I thought.
  • ...
  • The palace had an air of melancholy. People from around the world had shown up for the funeral today. My parents, with my siblings, flew all the way down here to express their warmest sympathies. We had all worn white for the burial of the late king.
  • I watched as the priest gave a send off funeral to his father. He mentioned so many good things about him I never knew. It was just normal. When you were dead, people had so many good things to say about you. But, it was the other way round with when you’re alive.
  • Zack was nowhere around. He sit sleep in the room last night. I silently wondered where he was.
  • Everyone looked sad.
  • Sad was even an understatement.
  • They appeared so down-to-earth and vulnerable.
  • Queen Moretti laid limp on her seat as her lady-in-waiting held her for moral and emotional support. Her face was pale with terrified emotions.
  • Fernánda was clothed in an entirely different attire, red, which stood out from the congregation's own, black. Her eyes were swollen from possible tears and she had caked her face with make up. 
  • Lips, filled with maroon lipstick that highlighted her mouth. It was meant to be a new year celebration. We had recently celebrated Christmas in which everything had turned out fine, but for some reason, everything just went apart.
  • After the ceremony was done, people are to celebrate him being a good king. My mum pulled me from the crowd and I walked her to my room. 
  • “I have missed you, child,” she said. My brows arched up immediately. My mum was that woman that never showed her emotions and now… telling me she missed me, made me feel special.
  • “And, my God you look so pale, are you pregnant already?” she asked. 
  • I could feel my heart skip.
  • “What? No, off course, mum!” I exclaimed. I didn’t have sex regularly with Zack. 
  • “So, are you saying you haven’t consummated your marriage yet?” she asked. 
  • I looked down immediately. I didn’t know what to say.
  • “It’s more complicated than that, mum,” I said.
  • Instantly, I spilled out what was going on. How I told Zack I loved him the morning his father died and how he had avoided me ever since then.
  • “Oh, no. What have you done child?” she cried out, holding her face like the drama queen she was.
  • “I know, mum. I actually wish I could fix it all but he wouldn’t even give me the chance. If I say I didn’t miss him, then I’ll be joking,” I said.
  • “Time, Zara.” She suddenly said.
  • “What time?” I asked, arching my brows up.
  • “Give it time. When the time comes, he would come to you if he truly cares and fix everything that’s damaged.” Mum said. I immediately pulled her into a tight hug.
  • “I'mma as well break today,” She jokingly said. After a while, she pulled me into a hug too.
  • “Just don’t give up, child. Keep going, you'll soon reach your destination,” she added.
  • ~    ~    ~
  • George had also come to say something. Since the rest of my siblings were my step siblings, we weren’t really close. They had just shook hands with me and that was it. Right now, George looked at me with all seriousness.
  • People would say he was my brother but I would call him my best friend and my mentor. He had that ability to make me keep going when I felt like it was all crumbling.
  • “Hi,” I said stiffly. He looked at me baffled, wriggling his eyebrows.
  • “Hi?” he acknowledged.
  • “You’ve not seen me in months and the next thing you say is hi? Common, hug me,” he breathed out, chuckling at me.
  • Holding me with his fat muscular arms, I almost couldn’t breath. 
  • “G-e-orge, I can’t brea-th,” I said, in between the hugging. He instantly let me go and rubbed my head like his favorite puppy.
  • “How had my little sister been?” he said. 
  • “Fairly fine,” I said, folding my arms. I told him everything that had been happening around the palace. The Fernánda incidents and also what happened with Esmeralda. I also told him the threats by Fernánda. George immediately held me up there.
  • “For all I know, Zara. When someone threatens you, then I think you should watch your back, do—”
  • “Oh you needless worry about Fernánda. She’s just an angry kid who goes about with empty threats,” I let out nonchalantly. 
  • “No, Zara. Promise me you’ll watch your back and let me know if anything happens,” he said with all serious. I let out a stiff smile and did what he asked.
  • “Fine, I promise.” I said. This was all so awkward. 
  • Silence immediately over rode the moment. I didn’t say anything again.
  • “Ella is pregnant,” he suddenly said. I looked and him and giggled at the sound of his betrothed's name. They had been married since two years.
  • “Ha, ha. Very funny. If I were you, I will stop joking around because it’s not funny,” 
  • “I’m serious, Zara. I’m really serious,” he said, looking at me straight in the eye. He didn’t bulge. I knew my brother well enough. When he did that, he wasn’t lying. 
  • “Wow,” I gasped. “I’m so happy for you, George. Where is she?” I added, standing up from the chair I was seated on but he pulled me back by him.
  • “She didn’t come, she was caught with a morning sickness and the doctor advised that she should stay back for the babies' benefit,” he said.
  • “Whoa, ok. So, I'm going to be an auntie. Yes!” I exclaimed which earned unusual glares from people. I didn’t blame them. We were in a funeral and I was getting over excited. 
  • I guess I would always remain Zara.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n A song I took some parts from Tiktok. 
  • If you like That Royal Betrothal, clap your hands (2x)
  • If you promise that you'll follow Zack and Zara till the end. Then I’ll really like to see you clap your hands;)
  • P/s Don’t forget to leave your reviews.