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Chapter 26 - That Bitch Esmeralda

  • Zara
  • I woke up remembering the one word that filled my mind. I recall Fernanda’s word from the day before.
  • “Nothing of your concern. One more thing, you’d better find a way to get an heir before that bitch Esmeralda shows up.” Who was Esmeralda? Why Fernanda chosen that moment to bring that person up?
  • My head was a bit bloated from yesterday’s events. Guess, I had to take my prescriptions.
  • I’m about to stand up when a knock on the door. I look by my side, expecting to see Zack but he isn’t by my side. After I had said I wanted him hypnotized by the way his dark orb eyes talked to mine, I gently slipped away from his hands and slept for the night.
  • “Come in.” I raised my voice so the person knocking outside could hear. It’s Maryann. She is as smart as ever. Bouncing on my bed, I watched as she opened the curtains. “Good morning, princess Zara.” She greeted. “Yeah, Mary. How was your night?” “It was splendid, yours?” She asked.
  • “Rough.” I answered sincerely.
  • I had so many things on my mind after yesterday’s evenings. After I straddled Zack and told him I wanted him, we kissed. It was the best thing I had. I had grinded him and we were about to make love. Not until I told him I wasn’t ready.
  • I wanted to.
  • Yet, I wanted him to love me too.
  • Just like I did to him. But he didn’t know that. He thought I was insecure, because I was a virgin.
  • “I came to ensure you prepare for breakfast.” She said.
  • “Okay.” I replied, smiling tightly. I think she noticed this and came forward. “Is all well, Zara?” Mary asked. My heart flipped at her calling me my name. She was beginning to get free with me.
  • “Yes.” I answered briefly and took off my night gown.
  • I wore my robe. A thought suddenly scanned in. I could ask her of Esmeralda.
  • “Mary?” I called. “Yeah?” She answered.
  • “Who is Esmeralda?” I asked. I noticed the way her eyes froze. She seemed scared and frightened. Her hands nudged together, shaking. Trying to brace herself, she replied. “Es—Esmeralda’s Zack’s grandma. She’s his dad’s mother. Why the sudden question, princess?” She asked me. I could tell of how anxious her voice sounded.
  • “Oh, nothing. Is there something you think I should know? I’ve been hearing her name around too much these days.” I chuckled as I walked to the bathroom door, opening it to enter.
  • “Esmeralda’s a living bitch. She had this primitive belief. In sum of all, she’s a religious fanatic. There was once a time she peeled off a tattoo from a guard’s hand because she thought of it to be impure.” Mary concluded. This made me narrow my eyes. I closed the bathroom door and walked back to Maryann. She had brought out a handkerchief and begun wiping her eyes.
  • Something was definitely up. 
  • “Maryann, are you okay?” I asked. I walked and pulled her to my bed to sit down. “I was one of her victims.” She confessed. My eyes almost bolted from its pupils. I had always thought of Maryann to be assertive and firm. I had this belief that no one could mess with her.
  • “What are you trying to say? I need you to use your words, you know.” I spoke. She rubbed her eyes, sniffing. I gently patted her back.
  • “When I was a teenager, I worked in the palace as a peasant. I fell in love with a palace jester. Things led to things and I ended up getting pregnant. I planned on quitting my job but she found out. Esmeralda took me to a hospital and made me get rid of the baby. I was forced. It was not my intention to have an abortion. But she held me down with her guards.” Maryann’s words processed through my head firmly.
  • Who the hell did Esmeralda think she was?
  • No matter what, she didn’t have that right.
  • “So heartless! Couldn’t you tell anyone?” I knitted my brows in worry. “I tried but no one believed me. What’s a girl gonna do? She threatened to pour some acid on my face and told me she was doing it so I would go to heaven.” Mary continued.
  • “I’m sorry, Mary.” I admitted. I couldn’t believe all that happened to her at a very tender age. “I was just sixteen then. I read on miracle cases and saw that my baby could make it. Yet, Esmeralda took that opportunity from me. It’s no wonder everyone rejoiced when she went back to her home town.
  • “I’d like to meet Esmeralda one day. I want to see the kind of devil you’re really saying she is.” I said.
  • “I hope you never do, she’s worse than nightmare itself.” Maryann solemnly replied.
  • ~ ~ ~
  • The moment we finished breakfast; the Queen had told us to wait. She wanted to announce something very important. I presently awaited her words. The table was as usual— I sat opposite Zack’s brother, Ricardo. Beside Ricardo was his uncle Durello, his wife and his kids, John and Julia. His dad was in his room. Due to his health issues, the royal doctor recommended he got enough rest.
  • “We would be expecting an important figure in this family. Grandma Esmeralda would be arriving today. Zara, I put you in charge of the organization of a feast. I hope Zack walks you through how we do things here.”
  • The Queen revealed. I held the hems of my gown nervously. I quickly opened my sets of white teeth politely.
  • “Yes, Your Highness.” I replied confidently. The irony of it all was outside, I appeared stable. But, inside, I was literally burning.
  • How does one prepare a feast?
  • I had no idea.
  • She said Zack would walk me through. How was I going to approach him? After what happened last night, we had not spoken till now.
  • The Queen dismissed us after reminding us to remain true to our noble blood. The moment she said it, I thought of Fernanda being out of nobility.
  • Little did I know a bigger problem awaited ahead.
  • ~ ~ ~
  • I remembered that day at the island. When myself and Zack addressed people, who spread false rumors about people. We had come to an agreement that day. It was characterized by us being each other’s maybes. That is, when thing go wrong, when no one believes us, when false rumors are spread, we’d always be there for each other.
  • This was all I thought when he had helped me with the feast’s preparation. He just did it so efficiently and handled it very well— so responsibly. He made me take over the food for the feast and joked about me putting truffles, my favorite dessert as the only food available.
  • Presently, I scanned the corridors for the royal cook. I wanted to tell her to hasten up because the time was ticking by. As I walked, I heard a low key talking. I moved closer to where the sound was coming from. It was through the Queen and King’s room. I leaned my ears in.
  • “You have to marry Paula Richards, Fernanda.” The King said. His voice sounded sickly. “No, father. I’d rather die than to be married to someone I don’t love.” Her voice is raspy. “Please stop this, mon amor. You’re the king. Do what makes your daughter happy.” It’s the Queen’s voice. She was definitely talking to the king. “Over my dead body! I will not allow your daughter to bring shame to us.” He bellowed.
  • “Shame? What is shame whereby she’d be tied to someone she doesn’t love? Remember you fell in love with me, so did I.” Queen Moretti let out. Her words are defensive like a soldier in battle ground. “Father, please…” Fernanda trailed off, trying to sound weak. “Oh, shut up! My word is final. You will get married to Paula Richards.” The king maintained defiantly.
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  • A/n Hey, guys!! So, I updated. This was from the latest reviews which were so amazing. Please leave a five-star review and comment your thoughts. See ya on next update:)