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Chapter 34 - Maya's Complaints

  • Zara
  • The morning after last night, I woke up without Zack on my side. He seemed busy when I observed him a couple hours later. It had to be his father’s illness that got him so worked up. I seemed to comfort him but he wasn’t around most times.
  • Thus, I decided to go around the palace. I noticed that since my stay here, I had not really socialized with the people here. I didn’t get to know the royal family due to one problem or the other.
  • Perhaps, it was a thought that everyone was like Fernanda which was impossible. I decided to go out of my comfort zone today. I had dismissed Maryann, Elizabeth, and my other ladies-in-waiting. I have them the day off. I mean who likes standing all day, waiting at the door step of a princess?
  • I used my crazy Juliet ninja skills to avoid beasts like Esmeralda and Fernanda. There was a saying, “When someone around you is too toxic, always look for a way to stay away from them.” This was what I was going to do today.
  • As I walked through the corridors of the palace, I tried to remember the day they introduced me to the Chambers of everyone. I also went down the lane of aiming to find someone's room.
  • I halted in front of a room I remembered Elizabeth saying it was Alejandro's kid sister that resided there. I opened the door knob and was surprised at what I met.
  • The room was so silent.
  • The walls were painted with pink and white which looked so beautiful and colorful. I heard a buzzing sound from a distance. This made me walk inside, closing the door. I moved to where I heard the buzzing sounds from only to see a girl of about 11 years with a scientist's goggles. The moment she noticed me, she stood up from whatever she was doing.
  • “Well, hello there,” I said. She moved back out of fear but stabilized herself when she recognized me.
  • “Your Highness, princess Zara, it’s my pleasure meeting you,” she said, bowing her head.
  • “Oh, it’s ok. You don’t have to bow down to me. I'm not a huge fan of monarchy so I don’t mind.” I voiced out, noticing the instruments she used. She reminded me of my rebellious self back at England.
  • “What’s your name an what are you inventing?” I asked her, curving a smile on my lips and moving my boots on the floor. I bounced on the nearby chair and put my legs on the center table which was so unlike of a typical princess, according to mum.
  • “I’m Maya and I’m going to make the first space ship that will be able to carry everyone in the world!” She suddenly let out, with her head up high in the air. If anything, I admired her boldness. She seemed so smart for her age.
  • “Wow, outrageous! How old are you?” I asked her, so amused. She dropped the test tube she was holding and removed her goggles.
  • “I'm 12, your highness. Sorry, Zara. I’ll be 13 next year,” she let out.
  • I wondered where her brother, Alejandro would be. I've always had this quirky feeling about him and Fernanda's relationship but I chose to ignore it. I didn’t want to do that today. Thus, I decided to ask her about her brother’s well being.
  • “It’s ok. I don’t see your brother around. Where might he be?” I questioned, looking at her reaction. Almost when I said that, a look of fear coursed through her eye. This made me seek out to know whatever it was she was afraid of.
  • “He's gone with that Red Witch. That evil princess summoned him to her Chambers again,” she said. My brows wriggled as I tried to figure out what exactly she was talking about.
  • “Are you talking about Fernánda, Maya? Come sit here,” I asked her, knowing she had to be settled for her to reveal whatever she thought I needed to know.
  • She marched forward with stubborn steps. This was unlike any girl at her age in the palace. She was definitely a rebel like me who hated the primitive beliefs of how a lady should behave. I smiled to myself, knowing that.
  • “Yes, Zara. I’m telling you this because I feel you're just like me,” she said. 
  • She had felt it too. We were so similar.
  • “I feel flattered but go on,” I urged, opening my ears to listen carefully to what she has to say.
  • “It’s not brother Alejandro’s fault that he's with Fernánda…” she trailed out.
  • “What are you trying to say, Maya?” I asked her.
  • “Even though this was a secret I swore never to tell anyone, I want to tell you but you must promise never to tell anyone else,” Maya said so desperately. She looked so serious. I couldn’t help but nod at her statement.
  • “I promise, Maya. Can you go on now?” I asked her.
  • She breathed out before carrying on.
  • “Fernanda threatened my brother that she would behead me if he doesn’t accept her love. This made my brother so scared. He ended up doing whatever she told him to do,” 
  • “Are you sure about all of this?” I asked her, intensely startled. Indeed, my suspicions all turned out to be right!
  • “Yes, Zara. Right now, she summoned him to her Chambers and I don’t think she’ll let him go till next morning. You see, Princess Fernánda's so addicted to my elder brother,” Maya said. I wondered what had possessed Fernánda to ever got something like this. To threaten someone to do your bidding was just insane.
  • I needed to tell someone. Someone that was going to punish Fernánda in the way she deserved. I couldn’t let her spoil Alejandro’s future because he was a really vibrant person.
  • “I'll be right back,” I said, standing up. But, a hand holds me. I looked by my side only to see Maya looking up at me.
  • “Where are you going to?” she asked me. 
  • “Fernánda deserves to be punished for threatening your brother with your life. I’m going to set things right,”
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n There would be regular updates now, guys. I hope you leave a review for me.