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Chapter 33 - The New Doctor

  • Alejandro
  • There were times something you thought you've planned for just spiraled out of control. All you spent your time, energy by energy, thought by thought in.
  • And, an single incident destroys it and it all comes crashing down. That was exactly how I felt right now. It wasn’t even up to 24 hours since I had come back from the peasant farm when I got a knock on my door. I had recognized the servant to be from Fernánda's quarters. 
  • It was the same channel she had used whenever she was about to summon me.
  • “Head guard, Alejandro. Her Highness, Princess Fernánda summons you to her chamber,” The lady-in-waiting said. I had expected this. All I didn’t expect was for the call to come too soon. Looking up, I dismissed the lady-in-waiting Fernánda had sent. 
  • Straightening my clothes, I stood up and made a move to go to her Chambers. The walk there wasn’t long since her Chambers was near the King's own which was around mine, as the head guard of the royal palace.
  • The moment I had made a move to knock, like a witch she told me, “Come in,” even without me knocking. I entered the room and moved slowly to where I expected her to be.
  • To my dismay, she wasn’t there yet. “Princess Fernánda, where are you?” I called out, asking. 
  • I could only hear her soft chuckles.
  • “You see, it’s a hide and seek. I hide and you are to seek me, love. So, come find me.” She mouthed off from wherever she might have been.
  • Her words sink in my body. In my stay at the peasant farm, her room hadn’t quite changed from what it had been. It still was decorated in red and black which were her most favorite colors.
  • I made a move to observe where her voice had came from. It was obviously the bedroom. This made me move there, with one thing in my mind.
  • She definitely wanted to fuck me. Fernánda was as crazy as that. She wouldn’t let me go until I made up for every single fuck I had missed while I was away. And, it was insane.
  • Just as I entered her room, I saw her lying flat on the bed, with her red hair sprawled on the bed like a witch was up to no good. 
  • “Oops, you caught me! What are you going to do to me now?” She let out… I silently wondered if she was running crazy. 
  • “Fernánda would you please get up? We can talk about this. None of us has to do it,”
  • I said, even though I knew my efforts where futile. Man, I always hated this moment. As a fighter, I was used to always having an edge over people. Not the other way round. Not this princess who was addicted to me.
  • “Aren’t we going down that lane again or should I remind you about your darling sister’s head?” she said, arching her brows demonically. I could only wonder what type of heartless creature she was. To be able to order the execution of an innocent child, all because your unrequited lover rejected your advances?
  • “Then let’s get this over, Fernánda.” I seethed and started the removal of my clothes. She smiled and acknowledged my nude body throughout. I dropped my clothes on the ground with haste and went in bed with her.
  • Peeling off her clothes, I knew I only had to bend her to my will because she liked dominancy. The only thing I benefited from her body was sexual release. But, that list didn’t mean I was interested in being in a real relationship with her.
  • I sucked her breasts which were pea-sized. This made her moan out loud. I rubbed the areola with my thumb and crashed my lips in hers at the same time. My dick, which was fully erect plunged deeply inside her.
  • As I felt it stretching inside her, I grabbed her waist and begun taking rotational movements. I dragged her hair, looking inside her eyes, with anger withheld inside. From the way she made a move to cut my little sister's head, I was going to pay her in ten folds one day. 
  • I pushed her aside just as she reached climax. I laid to rest on the bed, knowing her fetish desires. She wasn’t going allow me to go until I made up for the lost days.
  • Zack
  • I didn’t want to take advantage of Zara in any breakdown she was having. I knew she definitely under pressure from someone in the palace to have an heir. And, with how she never let her guard down, I couldn’t figure out who it was. 
  • Last night, I almost lost self-control. With what she was wearing, she had the ability to do that to me. I had attraction for Zara. The chemistry was there, no doubt. I mean we had discovered this while we were on the island. Yet, I wanted her to have sex with me on her own time.
  • I wanted her to ask me to fuck her when she wanted to and not because of any pressure from any outer forces in the palace. 
  • These were my thoughts as I moved to my father’s Chambers. The royal doctor had referred us to another foreign doctor he thought could help us. This was why I went with Ricardo, to evaluate him
  • “Greetings, my princes,” The American doctor said in his accent. Myself and Ricardo both shook him. Fernánda was nowhere to be found. She was definitely up to no good as ever. 
  • We smiled at him, knowing he might be the reason for our father's recovery.
  • “Yes, Doctor, I'm Zack by name, here is my brother, Ricardo. It’s nice meeting you,” I let out.
  • “We hope you do your very best in trying to heal our father,” Ricardo said, even though I knew he didn’t mean it. In spite of him being the second son, Ricardo had always wanted to become King and hid that fact in no way.
  • “I would, trust. We could only leave the rest in the hands of the Creator as they say,” He replied. Just as he did this, he started on with his treatment on my dad. My father just laid there limp, he couldn’t even talk again. He was in a vegetative state and that broke everyone.
  • He couldn’t move.
  • He couldn’t talk.
  • Neither could he process what anyone was saying. 
  • In the past, myself, Ricardo and Fernanda could have probably ignored him. Because, he was a bad father to us. He never had time for his children, kept mistresses and even had other illegitimate children outside. Though, lots had changed now.
  • He needed us by his bed side and it would be heartless if we weren’t here. That was why I convinced To Ricardo that we should join hands with Queen Mother, mum and look for other ways to treat dad.
  • Because the kingdom needed a king and as the heir, being the king was the last thing I wanted to do now.
  • The doctor signaled to us that he wanted to talk outside. Myself and Ricardo sprang up from where we had sat immediately. I specifically dismissed the guards since he said it was something private.
  • “From what I tested your father with, I came only to one conclusion.” He started out. We both looked at him.
  • I could hear my heart beat at every instant.
  • Man, I could only hope.
  • Hope he didn’t have a bad news but a good one.
  • “Someone poisoned your father, princes. It was a slow poison called hemlock and it’s too late. It has gone round his body and missed with his blood,” The doctor revealed.
  • “I’m afraid he can’t make it for the next few days,” He said. This was what I had feared! And it all amounted to happening.
  • Jesus!
  • ---------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n I guess I’m becoming a really hard working Writer guys. Due to my updates I made just this week. 
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