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Chapter 41 - Sherlock Holmes

  • Zack
  • I cursed.
  • Tossed.
  • I had sleepless nights after my father’s death. I had been first to show up for the burial. I bade him and immediately vanished into the thin air to find out what really happened. The cops had came over. I wanted them to specially come for the interrogation.
  • Here was the sergeant now, walking to me with the investigator. I had brought them specially to the secret room since everyone was downstairs.
  • “My prince, good day, my condolences,” he said, with his accomplice. 
  • “Yes, sergeant. Tell me, what is the latest news?” I asked, with a purpose to find what really happened.
  • “From our interrogations and the tests done on your father’s body, we discovered that it was a slow poison which he had in taken that had killed him,” 
  • “Yes, the doctor had said exactly that,” I responded.
  • “No, that’s not the main fact. Another huge discovery we made was that the person related to your father’s murder is under the roofs of this castle,” he said.
  • I hadn’t heard right.
  • “What the hell?!” I exclaimed, intensely startled. 
  • “Who is it?” I added. I would eliminate that person without a blink of an eye.
  • “That, we don’t know. We are still investigating the issue. If we found nothing, then we’ll have to get a search warrant for the palace to figure out the culprit,” he replied with his hands on the sides of his gun, firmly.
  • “Just do what you have to do, sergeant. I would play any part you want me to, if you like,” I said.
  • “Yes, prince. But, we would want you to keep an eye of any suspicious movements of each member of the royal household,” He aimed his hands directly to my shoulder, staring at me directly in the eye. His assistant was just beside him. He hadn’t said a word since.
  • “I will do just that. Just get to the base of this matter as soon as possible,” I told them both.
  • “Until next time, then” he said, stretching his hand forward for a handshake. I shook his hands directly and met his gaze.
  • He then walked out of the room while I wondered who the culprit was.
  • For all I knew, it could be anyone. Everyone was a suspect, including families. 
  • ===
  • Every single minute I tried to forget about the horrific death of my dad, it kept hunting me. 
  • After the news and Zara's profession of her love for me, I had ignored everyone since that day. I didn’t want to have anything to do with them. Neither did I want to get too attached.
  • What if they died again, leaving me?
  • This was why I told Zara I could never love her. At least not in the way she wanted me too. 
  • I also couldn’t help but wonder why Zara ended up loving me?
  • How did it happen?
  • She was always the fierce girl who never let her guard down. Even back at the island, I had to use some of my demonic tactics just to kiss her. Then… how did it end up happening?
  • Later.
  • Just later.
  • Right now, love was meaning less to me. My dad wasn’t that dream dad everyone wanted, yet I loved him and he went away. He drifted into the wind. 
  • 36 days.
  • It has been 36 days since my father died. The palace still had airs of mourn. But, my mum had been up to many things. She was planning Fernánda's wedding which would take place on early March, not to Paula Richards but to Alejandro, the head guard.
  • I couldn’t have been be so baffled but she didn’t even listen to me and Ricardo. This made me wonder what Fernánda had been filling her head with.
  • She also called me today for something really important.
  • The people of Spain needed a new King and I was the direct heir as the first born.
  • Therefore, I was to ascend the throne with Zara as my Queen in a week to now. I had always avoided this. I didn’t want to become a king but it was like a betrothal. One had no choice but to fulfill that duty which I hated.
  • So did marrying Zara too.
  • I never wanted to marry someone I didn’t love yet, for some reason, I wanted her by my side. She had a really intriguing way of arousing various emotions in me and making me let my guard down.
  • Over the few days that had passed since my father’s death, I had stayed away from her. I wanted her to realize that she didn’t feel love for me, rather, she was infatuated with the love making we had performed the night before she has confessed.
  • Attachments would not help anyone.
  • It will just get things more complicated.
  • I had my eyes on every member of the palace. I had spoke to my male best friend, Jada, about the whole issue. He expressed his condolences and joined me with seeing the reason why each member of my family would want to eliminate the king.
  • Jada had studied in the States with me. When we finally got our degree, he had to stay behind because he already had a well-paid job and a boy friend he loved.
  • Jada was gay. A humorous one at that. He had multiple personalities and was that thinker and problem solver.
  • He told me he would come visit when he had the chance to.
  • After we both observed everyone’s motive in the palace, it was all rounded up with the kindest people in the palace. 
  • “Bye, Jada,” I had told him, after the result he came up with.
  • “Not yet, Zack. Wait until you hear this wonderful idea,” he said.
  • “What is it again?” I slurred out. 
  • “I want you to use the examination method to figure out the culprit. First of all, get the cops. They are all you need to do the job,” His words were tied with mysteries. 
  • “What are you talking about, Jada?” I asked, bluntly. He could be a pain in the ass at times but that didn’t mean he wasn’t smart.
  • “What I’m saying is that you should imagine a scene of Sherlock Holmes. If you remember correctly, the criminal always leaves clues even without knowing.”
  • “Yeah, so? What do I do, blow them all up? Where do I start from?!!”  I yelled through the phone with my fist connecting with the table angrily.
  • “Chill, bro. What I mean is that you need to do anything for the truth, even if it means making the cops get a search warrant to conduct a search of everyone's belongings,” he spilled out.
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n I'm mentally drained right now. I’m afraid updates would be slow. Dear readers, I’ve been so into writing that I forgot what it truly means to live. This is why I decided to step out of my comfort zone. Wish me luck!!
  • Don’t forget a tangible review. Thanks!