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Chapter 32 - The Art of Seduction

  • Zara
  • The palace was filled with so much jubilation. Christmas trees lit so beautifully and choirs sang so melodiously. The queen was sitted on her throne in her special outfit. I had searched for the king until I actually remembered that he was down with his illness. Durello, Zack’s uncle, was with his children. His wife was nowhere to be found.
  • All dressed in fancy outfits, looking beautiful. I had gone for a black gown with white stripes. My earrings were dangling ones, so as my hair was in curls. Maryann had specially curled it while dressing me for the lovely Christmas occasion.
  • Everything looked so fine.
  • Zack walked up to me asking to come for skating. I voluntarily took his hands and dragged him outside. If anything, I’ve always loved skating back at England, no royal family was given the chance to skate with masses. For one to skate, the royal entourage had to watch you. I had always disliked this.
  • Therefore, I snuck out in the night to where the commoners skated. Disguising as a commoner, I had this heartfelt privilege to skate. And, it felt good because no one ever smelt a rat.
  • Now here I was by the edge of ice, putting on my black figure skates, which consisted of a boot and a blade attached with screws to the sole of the boot. Zack was putting his no too. He looked great in his outfit. I loved that he went for a black outfit. It suited his body structure.
  • When I got up to start, I stared at him. He got up so carefully that I thought he might fall.
  • “Are you sure you can skate, Zack?” I asked worriedly I didn’t want him getting any bruise.
  • “Oh, yeah.” He said after standing up.
  • His body made awkward movements. It was like he was not stable.
  • I waited for it.
  • Zack fell on the ice butts down. This led to a huge laughter from me. I laughed till I could feel the verge of tears of my eyes. He was one of those people that had a strong effect on you. You could think they could something from the mask they put on.
  • Then…they’d disappoint you. Just like Zack right now.
  • “It’s not funny.” He seethed out. I watched as he tried to stand.
  • “You are wrong. It is” I let out, chuckling again.
  • “And besides, I got this” He said with so much pride. He tried to be stable again. but he ended up falling stiff with his nose stuck in the ice, his legs were also angled on the floor.
  • “Are you okay, Zack?” I asked, with a worried expression on my face. I came furrowed to help him up.
  • “Yeah, but a hand would do,” He said. I gave him the support he needed by holding his hands into mine.
  • About to fall again, he grabbed my waist for support. My mouth opened in surprise as a surge of electricity came around my waist.
  • Even if his intentions were innocent, he had somehow managed to entice me. eyes looking at eyes, my hands were on his shoulder blade. To break the weird silence, I cleared my voice.
  • “If you don’t know how to skate, then I could teach you,” I said. he looked at me and narrowed his eyes.
  • “And what would you get in return? I know you don’t do anything for free, Zara.” My heart quickened at whatever he had just said. Off course, he didn’t know that I have fallen for him, that’s why he thought I would take something from him in return for teaching him.
  • “Consider this as a little favor, Zack. We better start now, before I change my mind,” I mentioned, enjoying this.
  • “Sure, we could.” He responded, untangling his hands from my waist. Zack looked unsure about the step he was taking. I nodded in support as he slowly let go.
  • If anything, I totally enjoyed this.
  • ~   ~  ~  ~
  • I waited patiently inside my room for Zack to show up. Since Esmeralda was so forceful about me producing an heir, I decided that I was going to consummate my marriage with Zack tonight. As I stood, holding my night gown and blushed furiously.
  • A sense of déjavu hit me as I paced back and forth the room, with panic. I had worn one of the lingeries Esmeralda had instructed my maids to stock in my room. I knew I had to do this, knowing the type of person Esmeralda was.
  • Just as I sat on the bed, I heard our room door opened. I expected to see Zack, and yes expectations were met. There was Zack taking long strides forward in to the dimly lit room. As he moved to switch on the lights, I stood up instantly.
  • “Zack, no!” I exclaimed at him suddenly. Walking to meet him, I cleared my voice for what I was about to say.
  • “Why, Zara? Is everything okay?” He asked. I searched for what exactly to say. What was I suppose to say? Because people consummated their marriage in the dark? Or his psycho was all over on me because I hadn’t slept with him?
  • “Yeah, it’s just that—I want us to sleep together tonight and I just don’t want the lights on.” I summoned some courage, saying. I could see his eyebrows arch in confusion, even through the room was dim-lit.
  • “We sleep together, every night, Zara. So, what exactly are you talking about?” He asked again with his hands on his lean waist. My eyes moved to admire them for a sec, then it stared at him again.
  • I braced myself up. I knew I had to say something. Right now, if not, he wasn’t going to talk me seriously. I walked up to where he stood exactly. I noticed he was looking at me consciously. This made me to walk back to the bed, I switched on the lamp by the bedside and sat on the bed. Crossing my legs, I slid a part of the gown, which showed my bare thighs.
  • “What are you up to?” Zack asked. I curved my lips trying to make a seductive smile like I had read in books.
  • “Can’t you see what I’m doing, Zack? I mean, don’t you get the signs?” I asked him, with a part of me feeling incomplete.
  • “Signs? What signs?” He asked. My eyes narrowed at whatever he had acclaimed. Perhaps, he didn’t get me. I thought, knowing I needed to explain better. This made me totally remove the gown that covered my underwear. I could see the way his eyes almost bolted out of their sockets, as I did that. This made me smile to myself because of the reaction. I had gotten.
  • “I want you tonight, Zack. I’m ready to have sex. I mean, I’m ready to consummate this marriage,” I unconvincingly let out.
  • Zack arched his eye brows. He looked unconvinced. I couldn’t blame him? I mean, I hadn’t even let out the ‘S’ word without stuttering! God, help me. How was I going to make this happen if I couldn’t say ‘sex’ properly?
  • “You sure don’t mean that, Zara. Tell me what the problem is. It’s like you’re under pressure,” Zack claimed. We have known each other just for three months and he already knew this much about me. Urghh! Then maybe this could convince you.
  • I stood up instantly. Taking his hands in mine, I moved them to touch both sides of my waist. Ripples of electricity surged through my chest as I lifted my chain up to his. I forcefully took his lips in mine. At first his lips are stiff under mine, but he loosened up later on.
  • My heart begun racing the moment on his hands tightened around my waist. Reminding myself that I wasn’t going to freak out, like I did the first night we met, I succumbed to his touch. Besides, his body heat felt so good and fine.
  • A part of me felt satisfied. I guessed it was the fact that I was being touched by the one I loved.
  • What more could a girl ask for?
  • A hundred make-up sets?
  • Through everything was short-lived. Zack suddenly pushed me away, with I couldn’t quite read on his face.
  • “Put some clothes on, Zara. You are not ready.” Those words left me speechless. Then and there, a thought sprung in my head.
  • Dear Esmeralda, your mission remains unaccomplished.
  • And, I’m sorry.
  • Scratch that—Not sorry.
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/N: Hey guys!!! How are you doing? Wish all you a lovely day.
  • Thanks, for your valuable coins!!