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Chapter 42 - The Coward Who Never Went Forward

  • Zara
  • So long did days drift by as Zack drifted further. After that day of my confession, he rarely slept in the room. When he did, he totally ignored me and I didn’t summon courage to step up and talk to him. 
  • Events were coming up in the palace. Fernánda was going to marry Alejandro and I pitied him. Because, that wasn’t the woman he loved. The coronation ceremony for myself and Zack as the new King and Queen was also coming.
  • I had always looked forward to this moment. As a Queen, I could change some petty rules this place held. I wasn’t going to impose bowing to a royal or arranging a marriage for a girl because I’ve had my fair test of that. 
  • Arranged marriages didn’t work out. The sooner they realized the better. Here was I now, in the basin, brushing my teeth. Lately, I've been feeling sick and nauseous. I got unusually weak from doing works I usually had stamina for. Which was strange and unusual.
  • I had to see the doctor after the coronation. Now, we had lots of things to do, preparations to also make to make it a successful occasion. I also needed to talk one on one with Alejandro. I wanted him to see reasons he should speak up about Fernánda.
  • He couldn’t keep mute forever?
  • I had to make the perfect meeting because their engagement ceremony was today. My ladies-in-waiting came to dress me up today. Maryann had showed up, looking radiant with the others. “Good morning, Zara,” she said, holding a confident smile.
  • “Yes, Mary. Morning, I hope you had a lovely night?” I asked her.
  • “Oh yes, Zara. It was great! Yet something has come to my notice, my princess. You look unusually pale. I hope all is well?” She asked me. The rest were choosing a suitable cloth for me to wear, gossiping and giggling.
  • A part of me became happy at the fact that they were so free with me now. Before, they had been so uptight like I was a groaning beast out for them.
  • “Yes, I guess it’s just a minor stress from the preparations. We have so many events to meet up with!” I let out.
  • “Good grief! Though I think you should summon the doctor,” she commented. 
  • “I’ll do just that when the coronation is over. Right now, there are a lot of things on my plate,” I expressed.
  • She acknowledged me, bowing down. They left me to the comfort of the room so I could have my private bath.
  • ===
  • After the engagement ceremony, everyone was worked up and tired. Therefore, I saw this as a good time for me to go see Alejandro. Merely knowing about Fernanda’s bad doings jeered a sudden anger in me. Then him agreeing to marry her?
  • Urrgh…
  • “My princess, to what honor do I owe this surprising visit?” he asked. I looked around the room. Maya was nowhere to be found. She was definitely taking her private school lessons.
  • “Maya told me everything,” I blurted out immediately. His eyes hinted a surprising glance but he braced himself up.
  • “What, my princess?” he asked. I narrowed my eyes and decided to say this now or never.
  • “All about Fernánda,” I said in just three words. Those three words were sure powerful because instantly, they got him on his knees. 
  • “What’s a man gotta do, my princess? Man's gotta make sure his sister doesn’t get beheaded. She is family,” 
  • “Families are important. They hold strong ties with making a life meaningful,” Alejandro added. His eyes were welled up. He was almost at the verge of tears but I could see he was bracing himself up to not cry.
  • “There should be something I can do, just say the words and I’ll help you and Maya out of this mess,” I said but he just nodded.
  • “No, no, just carry on with your life, princess Zara. Whatever Fernánda wants, she always gets, even it that means hurting anyone in her path.” He said.
  • “But I ask you of a favor,” Alejandro positions himself and kneels on a knee.
  • “I have a talented friend named, Diego. I met him at my stay in the peasant farm. He'll be a very good palace jester.” He added. I just watched him with curiosity.
  • “When you’re Queen can you make him a jester and take care of Maya for me?” I could feel emotions driving in me like a tsunami, ripping every guard I had down. 
  • I immediately turned my back and walked to the window. The light from the curtain seeped through them.
  • “Your wishes are heard, Alejandro. What of you? What do you want? A wise man once said, “Love your neighbor as yourself, not more than yourself,” I constructed. He stood up and looked at me with his shoulders slurped down.
  • “Wishes? I just want to be happy.” He said.
  • “But, to be happy, those I love have to be too. You see...
  • Maya's the only family I’ve got left. Diego was that brother I never had. My parents died from a bandit attack years ago, leaving me to fend for the both of us. I struggled to where I am today with that art called fighting. It helped me as the palace's head guard.” Alejandro said. My lips pressed together in various thoughts.
  • “You are a fighter,” I said like George always said to me. 
  • “This is not sealed yet,” I said. 
  • “I’ll still find a way to drag you out of this mess,” I’ve always been stubborn. It flowed in the genes I guess. Mom had been a really stubborn Queen.
  • There was a time in the palace back at England when the masses where getting angry because the paid taxes weren’t used to build roads. Her husband had withdrawn and panicked because they came to rally. Mum, as fierce as ever, had organized a public royal hearing.
  • She addressed the people and convinced them why the money should be used for food and health first. She made it known that it was a basic necessity of life. That she would allocate the building of roads if the people were patient enough.
  • They adhered with her and her husband was nowhere to be found. My step dad was just that coward who never went forward.
  • --------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n Thanks, for your valuable coins. I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter. What’s new, is that I had a spiritual awakening. 
  • There would be updates now:)