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Chapter 30 - A Royal Summon

  • Zara
  • I really felt sorry for Zack. Those were the exact words that I had slept with last night. I know that we haven’t been on good terms for a while now but, I felt sad.
  • Really sad.
  • Zack had slept early the night before. He restlessly tossed and turned in his sleep. I felt he had a nightmare and removed the pillow boundary immediately. I cautioned and encouraged him, before pulling him into a hug. I couldn’t just bear to see him like this. Facts were I didn’t know what to do.
  • I turned off the alarm which read 6:32, when I woke up. I heard droplets of shower. That meant Zack was there. He was definitely trying to clear his head. I walked to the curtain to open it. it was way too high for me to reach, so I climbed the cabinet that laid just beside it. the golden curtain with white linen was still a bit fat.
  • So, I had to raise my toes a bit. I felt my short nightgown go up too. The piece betrayed me and struck to my upper bum.
  • Almost immediately, I heard the bathroom door open. Zack was definitely coming in. I jumped a bit to draw the curtain. I comfortably smiled after I had achieved my curtain goal.
  • With my waist in the air, I came down from the cabinet. The moment I looked back, I saw Zack, leaning at the entrance of the bathroom door. He was naked apart from the piece of towel that hung below his waist. I took in the sight of his muscles with the water that dipped down from his coal- black- hair.
  • Going down again, I take in his abs.
  • Abrupt stop!
  • What the hell was happening?
  • He was erected in all full glory. Even through the towel, the sight was massive and tempting. Something about that sight sent shivers to my bone.
  • “Morning!” I sprung out. This was very awkward and weird.
  • “Yeah…” He trailed out. I assumed he was actually going to walk straight to his closet but he did the exact opposite. Proudly walking straight- up to me, he moved with confidence.
  • Fear was written all over my features.
  • “Your- your night. How was it? You sounded disturbed. Did you get any nightmares?”
  • And that is how I, Zara totally embarrassed myself today.
  • “No, did I say something?” he asked. His hands were on the sides on his waist. And, his eyes narrowed at me.
  • “Err, somewhat. You were totally restless last night. The pillow boundary— I had to remove it for your comfort.” My words sound stupid and unreasonable. I was never this caring about how Zack slept in the night.
  • “On a master-sized bed?” Did he think I was lying? Well… sort of. I couldn’t bear to see him like that.
  • “Yeah, I’ll go shower.” I said, trying to escape his countless doubts. He pulled my hands back. This made me freeze on my spot. The spark that formed. This chemistry was becoming dangerous on a daily basis.
  • “Zara…” He trailed out again.
  • “Yes?” I answered. It was strange I didn’t flip him over in self-defense.
  • “Can I kiss you?” he asked. I could swear my ears didn’t hear right. Zack Moretti just asked if he could kiss me? I let out a chuckle.
  • “Not with my morning breath. You don’t want to do that.” I warned.
  • “You know what? I think I’ll deal with that.” he assured.
  • “No, that’s not necessary. I’ll just go in.” I defended.
  • “Why are you so insecure? It can’t be that bad. Come here.”
  • “Absolutely not!” I rolled out of his hands. Somehow, I totally resisted whatever sin he had in mind. I went in.
  • ~   ~  ~  ~
  • The first thing I noticed when Maryann entered my room was her eye-bags. Her face was sulky. She moved cautiously as ever. It took someone to look at her closely to figure out what was actually wrong with her.
  • “Good morning, Zara.” She said.
  • “Yeah, are you fine?” I asked.
  • “Yes… I just came to call you. You’ve been summoned by Esmeralda.” She revealed. Her words register into my head.
  • Why would Esmeralda ever call me? it sounded unexpected.
  • “I am? Why? Why would she call me?” I looked at her to find answers.
  • “I don’t know,” she replied.
  • “Just get dressed, princess and put on a smile.”
  • “This isn’t right! Not after what she did to you?” I defended outrageously.
  • “I know… But there’s nothing we can do. We just have to endure until—”
  • “Until when? Who knows who her next victim would be? We have to save them. We just have to!” I seethed. She instead moves to support me by patting my back.
  • “Just go. Try to endure this for a while. Then maybe we’ll figure something out!” Instead of arguing. I nodded my head slowly. She sits me down on the dresser. Holding the blusher, she pats my face to smoothen it out to make it presentable. She also makes my hair into a French plait fixing hairpins on it.
  • I got up. The moment I tried to move, she called me.
  • “And, Zara,” I looked back in response.
  • “Try not to talk back at her. From the look of things, you two won’t go along a bit.” She added.
  • “Okay.” I gushed out and headed for the door. The moment I’m out, my ladies-in-waiting scurry behind me. I politely dismissed them. I was beginning to hate my choice of clothes; a long blue satin gown.
  • I walked alone halting at the front of Esmeralda’s room. I told her ladies-in-waiting assigned to her my purpose. She gave her approval of my entrance. I’m quick to cautiously sit down on the chair set out for me.
  • Esmeralda was sitted on a chair. Her room was painted with dark walls which suited her personality. The chair rocked back and forth sinisterly.
  • “Welcome, Zara.” She said. Her body is faced back. She twirls it front and faces me.
  • “You sent for me, Grand—”
  • “No, it’s okay. Let’s just move to the main reason I called for you.”
  • “Okay,” I replied.
  • This was so awkward. I mean sitting next to an unknown demon who hurted Maryann?
  • “Now, of all people in this palace, you should know you are the one with the most responsibility.” She breathed out.
  • “What do you mean?” I asked. I have been trying to calm my horses ever since I entered this room.
  • “As a princess and soon-to-be queen, you have obligations. As a woman, you have to produce an heir to the royal throne to sustain our legacy, that’s what I mean.” Her words sink in. It was at that exact moment I remembered Fernanda words: ‘Nothing of your concern. One more thing, you’d better find a way to get an heir before that bitch Esmeralda shows up.” My whole body froze.
  • “Zara! I have been calling you for the past minutes. What are you thinking of?” she asked.
  • “Oh, that- it’s nothing. Carry on!” I gingered. I sat upright on the chair. This made her stand up. She sashayed carefully to my front.
  • “Have you consummated the marriage with Zack?” Esmeralda asked mischievously. What was I going supposed to say? No? Or lie?
  • I didn’t want to lie? In all, I debated on what to say. Yes or No?
  • “Well? Say something, Zara. You have no choice in this.” She admonished. Her words were quick and sharp. I couldn’t just bring myself to say the truth… Yet.
  • “No.” I simply said. As I sat, only one thing was sure. Those two letters were going to be ruin of me.
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n- Hey guys!! Lately I’ve been down with Malaria, it was my younger sister that helped me typed this. I promise to make regular update as soon as I’m better. Love ya!!