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Chapter 35 - Drunk Zack

  • Zara
  • Just as I said that, I watched tears spill out of the little girl’s eyes. A part of me died down inside as the tears gave away. 
  • “Please, Zara. Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to die. I want to fulfil my dreams before I go. Please, please, please,” Maya pleaded. 
  • I looked down at her meekly. This made my heart soften which was unusual. 
  • “I won’t tell anyone. It’s ok,” I said, out of pity. 
  • “Thank you, Zara. Thank you so much,”
  • After I had left Maya's room, my next mission was to get to know the other children in the palace. I knew the remaining I needed to know was John and Julia, Samantha's children. I wanted to get to know Zack’s uncle, Durello's children.
  • The most funny thing was that I knew where to find them exactly. The children in the palace were all home schooled. Due to the meddling paparazzi, the royal family made all the children of blue blood to be taught all they needed to know at home.
  • If I ever had a child, I was never going to allow them to be home schooled. Because, where was all the high school fun in that?
  • When I made a move to go to where the children were being taught, I noticed that the royal  library door was opened. This distracted me from my goal, making me take steps forward towards the door.
  • I opened the door widely and closed it behind me. The library was still as quiet as ever. But, there was an air of melancholy I perceived. This made me began to call out the keeper.
  • “Lucas?” I called out but there was no response. I decided to look for him in between the huge shelves of books. I went through the first row hastily, with my boots thudding loudly on the floor.
  • “Lucas?” I bellowed again, yet no response. I continued with my search as I looked through the rows but I was met with empty spaces and books. This made me turn back in retreat. Perhaps, he wasn’t here.
  • It was when I made a move to go out of the library I heard a clink sound. It was like the sound of a bottle. I moved back and went to where I heard it from, interrogatively.
  • I followed up the sound.
  • Halting my steps, I was intensely terrified at what I saw.
  • It was Zack.
  • He was seated miserably on the floor, with several bottles of alcohol on the floor. I knew this was his alter ego but why did he choose here of all places to have alcohol? He was the crown prince and if he made any mistake, he should know he would be rejected that instant.
  • “Z-Z-Zack?” I stuttered out, still terrified at how I saw him. He sat on the floor, resting his back on the shelf, with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. Other empty ones laid on the floor. I came to an abrupt conclusion.
  • Zack was drunk.
  • “Oh…Zara…” he trailed out. I lowered myself so I’d meet his  gaze. His face still looked as amusing as ever. His eyes were dark and misty too. 
  • “You’re drunk,” I said.
  • “No, I’m not. I swear, I’m not. I only had a little to drink.” He said. I watched him. He was about to drink from the bottle again but I held it reluctantly with my hands. I grabbed the bottles from him and dumped it in the nearest trash. 
  • Zack cried out in reluctance as I did that. But, I had no choice but to hurt his feelings. When he was sane enough, he would understand why exactly I had done that.
  • “Let’s go to the room,” I said.
  • “No, Zara. I don’t want to go. Any time I make a move to touch you, you won’t let me. As your husband, I’m meant to have fucked you but won’t also let me,” He plainly said.
  • My face turned red that instant. So this was what drunk Zack was like? I think I preferred this side better for being so sincere.
  • “I-“ I tried to say but words didn’t just come out. I decided to say what I felt anyway.
  • “I didn’t know you were affected, Zack. Besides, last night, I gave you an opportunity to touch me and make me do your will but you didn’t,” I said sincerely. He probably won’t remember whatever I have said tomorrow.
  • “The reason I didn’t fuck you was that I sensed that you were under pressure by someone. I figured that that was the worst time to loose your virginity. That was why I told you to put your clothes on,” he explained. He had just confirmed all my doubts. Actually, I had thought he was disgusted with my body. I thought he didn’t want to have anything to do with me. 
  • This was why a part of me had felt bad last night. I decided to take him to our room so no one would see their crown prince this way.
  • “Whatever, Zack. We have to go to our room now. If anyone meets you like this, it’s too dangerous,” I urged. “Therefore, we have to go now,” I said, grabbing his hands up. He moved again in reluctance.
  • “I’m not leaving here until you promise you’ll allow me touch you. You’re my wife, Zara. This is my right as your husband,” 
  • I scoffed as he said that.
  • Yet, he needed to leave here. It was all for his sake. This made me nod my head at him.
  • “You would be allowed to touch me,” I said. Since he was drunk, he probably wasn’t going to remember his words, neither would he remember my promise to him.
  • I quickly supported him to stand up. As we made a move for the door, he spanked my ass and rubbed it softly. 
  • “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to touch these…” he trailed out. If it was normal and sane Zack, I probably would have twisted his hand and gave him a punch. But, since it was drunk Zack, I succumbed to his touch.
  • The moment we had gotten to our room, I closed the door behind us and dragged him to the bed. As I did this, Zack occasionally touched my butts and for some reason, I didn’t talk. A part of me enjoyed that. But, I definitely wasn’t about to tell him that.
  • “Remove your clothes, Zara,” he suddenly said. My brain went blank at his statement. I wriggled my brows at what he had just said. It all didn’t add up. Why would he—
  • I gasped.
  • He remembered the promise I made to him at the library. How could drunk Zack be this smart? 
  • “I-“ I tried to say but he interrupted. 
  • “You promised,” He let out, standing up and stumbling a little. I held him to avoid him falling down. I then decided to take off the clothes. He won’t remember anything tomorrow and besides, I had to do this to avoid any trouble he might cause if I didn’t remove it.
  • Zack tugged at the button of my shirt. He unbuttoned it. I stared at him, dryly with no emotion on my face. I felt a bit of panic, due to the fact that I was allowing someone I loved have a view of my bare side.
  • What if he didn’t like me?
  • As Zack removed my shirt, he unzipped my jeans. I helped him to drag it down. Now, I was left in only my bra and panties, in front of him. I could see the hunger in his eyes. He suddenly carried me up in his hands in a bridal style and set me to the bed.
  • My raven hair sprawled widely on the bed. He was above me, looking at me intensely. It was like he was looking for what he should do with me. 
  • “You have no idea how long I have actually waited for this moment.” he seethed.
  • “I’ve always lusted after bending you to my will, Zara. It’s all because you are far too stubborn and you won’t let me love you,” he said.
  • At that moment, I heard a sound like a horn been blown from outside. I chose to ignore it and cherish this moment. For me, there was nothing more pleasant than being in Zack’s arm. 
  • I wanted him to say he loved me.
  • A part of me wanted him to fuck me. All because he was all that I could ever ask or wish for. We were just those people that did insane things together. We had passed through an island of dangerous creatures together, seen hunger together, we've been hit with frustration together.
  • This was why I felt the best part of me was him…
  • Zack came down to me. I noticed the bulge in his pants. This made my heart beat, race. He took my lips in his and began kissing. 
  • With that, I knew this was going to be a long…
  • So much for a drunk Zack!
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n Hey there, Betrolians!! How have you been. Remember I told you updates would be regular? Well, this is it, guys!!
  • Expect another update tomorrow.