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Chapter 25 - Curiosity killed the cat

  • Zara
  • It practically took several minutes to convince Zack that I was totally fine. He made it seem like I was the one a fault for going near those lilies pot. I couldn’t just believe he could do that. No, really. He actually made it seem like I was too clumsy.
  • Goodness, I couldn’t even begin to point out the facts when he ordered me not ever go near one of them again. Lucas walked in the hospital room immediately Zack left. Before he left, he said he came to the hospital because of paparazzies. Knowing what they were capable of, they could spread unreasonable rumors about us having marriage issues, as a result of him not following me to the hospital.
  • “You just had to faint, princess.” Lucas muttered as soon as he entered. I didn’t blame him. I should have stayed away from those pot of lilies right from the start.
  • “I’m sorry, Lucas. So, were you able to take the list?” I asked.
  • “Yes, it was not an easy job though.” He replied.
  • “Then let’s go. It’s still 3, we should be able to make it.” I said as I tried standing up, in spite of my head which felt bloated.
  • “No, princess. You have to rest. I think we should save this for another day.” His words are reasonably correct.
  • “It’s fine, Lucas.” I said, lifting myself up from the bed. The environment is brightly illuminated with white lights. While my body is clothed with a white polka-dotted hospital dress. My brown hair is tied in a ponytail and plaited black.
  • “No, it isn’t. Prince Zack would be back to pick you soon. How’s it going to look like if you suddenly disappear?” My head registers his words. It’s like I’ve just been slapped by reality.
  • “Oh, that.” I whispered, sitting. “I could go through perhaps with a few palace guards. I’ll visit the homes according to the list and give them some money.” Lucas suggested.
  • “Thank you so much, Lucas. I really wished I could come along, though.” I rushed in, feeling guilty.
  • “It’s okay, princess. I’ll be sure to send your love and sympathy to them.” Lucas encouraged. I smiled at his words and wondered what I would do without him.
  • ~ ~ ~
  • I had barely begun to enter my room when I hear a clap and a sinister voice just behind my ears.
  • “You sure do know how to create a scene, Zara.” Facing at the direction the voice came from, I sight Fernanda. She is in a red blouse, backed up with a white firm looking skirt that were midthigh. Her hair is sprawled to a side of her neck while her face is caked with powder. Lips, as red as ever in a sleek uniqueness.
  • “What are you talking about, Fernanda?” I asked innocently. She was very good at creating unusual scenes and really loved drama. “All this, you’re doing this to draw unusual attention and arouse pity, aren’t you?” She snapped mischievously. “I absolutely have no idea what you’re on about.” My eyes narrowed as I replied her. This made her give me an eerie look. Her face showed so much displeasure and contempt.
  • She looked around to make sure that no one was around.
  • “Don’t you for once think that I have forgotten any of what you did, Zara.” Her words are suddenly savage and I’m not surprised. “Okay, you’re beginning to sound paranoid. Fernanda, snap out of it!” I warned. She moved closer with a stone-cold expression. Her eyes didn’t even move a wink. By that, I knew she was dead pan serious. She hadn’t changed at all.
  • “And, why should I? You ruined all my chances of being with the one I love. I believe in paybacks, you know.” I almost inwardly screamed at by that statement she made. The path she was going once again was dangerous but there was no way I could tell her. “If we’re talking about ruins, how about I bring the heavy fact that you revealed myself and Zack’s non-consummation?” I asked purposefully. Two could play at that game, you know.
  • “We made a deal and you fucking broke it, princess. If only you kept your stupid mouth shut. Perhaps no one could ever have known of both of us.” Fernanda claimed.
  • “Look who’s pointing fingers. Knowing your culture here, couldn’t you have tried other means of getting your so-called love? Did you have to bed him?” I asked genuinely. This definitely infuriated her more and her chest rumbled like King Kong in the movie.
  • “It’s no business of yours who I choose to bed, Zara. That’s my choice. I’m a grown woman, you idiot!”
  • “Well said, what about your culture? And you’re parent’s honor? Oh, did you see your poor mother’s face? She looked so embarrassed that day.”
  • “That’s purely not my concern. Besides, I hate everyone around here. You think you know a lot, Zara? Well, you don’t. Let me tell you, a lot of bad things happen around here.” Her hands moved to her mouth immediately like she had said too much. She hid that expression quickly. But, it was too late. I had seen it already…
  • “What exactly are you talking about, Fernanda?” I asked her intensely startled. They say, you fear what you don’t know, that’s why. “Nothing you should know of. One more thing, you’d better find a way to get an heir before that bitch Esmeralda shows up.” She seethed out.
  • “And if I were you, I’d watch my back more.” She threatened. With that, she snapped her fingers. Her ladies-in-waiting appeared behind her from their waiting place just by the corner of the other hallway.
  • She walked away with her ox-blood high heels.
  • What had just happened? I asked myself. Who was Esmeralda?
  • Guess, I had to find out.
  • ~  ~  ~
  • “Why are you suddenly being so inquisitive, Zara?” Zack asked. We were in my room about to sleep. After that incidence with Fernanda, I had begun to think of so many bad things happening from nowhere.
  • “Nothing. I’d just like it more if you answer my questions without asking me why I’m asking them.” I suggested. He folded his hands in amusement. With this action, I didn’t miss how his biceps flexed. If only I could run my hands through them a little…
  • “You are one kind of a woman I still have to figure out, you know. How about we make a deal? For every question I answer, I get a kiss.” Just what I expected. Guess Zack would always be Zack like. So annoying.
  • “Then I’d rather get my answers from somewhere else.” I replied savagely. I was going to talk to Lucas. At least he wasn’t arrogant. I’m about to stand up from the bed when he holds my hand, pulling me close.
  • “You’re not going out in the middle of the night in that outfit.” He said. For a moment, I was confused. I looked down at my night gown. The material was a black piece which stopped mid-thigh. It hugged my bodice with its lacy pieces and spaghetti strapped hand. 
  • “He he, watch me.” I seethed. He could impossible at times. Who did he think he was, trying to boss me? I had to make my own statement more.
  • I try to wiggle out of his arms. I climb the mattress, going right. He follows me and holds me. I’m quick to remove his hands but he manages to draw me back. My hands move to hold him down but I end up straddling him.
  • “I didn’t know you liked it rough, love. He commented despicably. This made me narrow my eyes. “Stop calling me love. It sounds absurd hearing it come out of your mouth.” I was so sick of his games. I was sick of all these. The electricity and chemistry when we touched. It drugged me. Yet, I couldn’t give in. Not yet. He didn’t even like me? At least not in that way.
  • “Then stop fighting it, Zara. Don’t fight this. It’s natural. Just let go.” Zack assured. If there was anything pulling me right now, it’d be his eyes. So bright, yet dark. He just didn’t understand. I couldn’t trust him… Or anybody.
  • I tried to unstraddle myself from him but he held me back. “Just feel, Zara. You know you want this too.” He taunted. “I hate you, Zack.” I said out of the blue. I rambled my mind, searching for reasons to hate him. But I didn’t find any. We had been stranded at an island, faced dangers and difficulties together. How couldn’t I have realized this?
  • “No, you don’t. Say the words like you mean it.” He taunted. Desire was apparent in his voice. It was so intense and hard. Talking of hardness, I felt something poking me from beneath.
  • I bit my lips with total pleasure. I wanted more. More of him, all of him. Even more of love.
  • “I want you, Zack.” I finally admitted. I had decided to take the risk. Cause I had searched my mind thoroughly to describe what I felt. I had come to only one realization.
  • Somehow, along the line, I, Zara Sanders had fallen for Zack Moretti.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n If you read this, please leave a five-star review.
  • I hope you follow up Zack and Zara’s story and see what their end will be like. I love y’all!!:)