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Chapter 37 - Balcony Make out

  • Zara
  • There were somethings you came across in life that made you feel normal. There were other things that shouldn’t just be seen. All because, they left you questioning yourself, why? My thoughts represented this the moment I saw Fernánda in my closet.
  • How did she get here?
  • What were her intentions?
  • My head began to ask me these questions immediately. But, asking myself wasn’t going to help, you know. I had to ask the culprit herself.
  • “What are your doing in here?” I asked her. I watched as she smiled, coming out of her hiding spot. She looked like a rat who had just been caught but she didn’t act that way. Instead, she acted positively, swaying her cloak on the ground as she took every step forward to me.
  • “Isn’t it obvious? I came to check on my drunk brother, Zack,” she said. I stared at her with so much seriousness. I was only clothed in a tank top and shorts. I had intended to go to bed, but seeing her was enough to keep me side awake.
  • “If you came to check on Zack, you should be inside the room. Why are you in the closet? And, most of all, why were you hiding from me?” I asked. She nodded immediately and snarled at me.
  • “It’s funny you think I’ll hide from you, Zara. I came to the closet to bring this,” Fernánda said, holding a cup that was inside the closet.
  • “Zack needed water because he was throwing up so I searched here for it,” she added. Her words were fishy but I knew there was least I could do with the way she had explained herself.
  • “Well said, but in future, I’ll appreciate it if you call on me to take care of him as I’m his wife.” I stiffly said. I could see the way her lips twitched. 
  • “Wife indeed!” she exclaimed, with a hint of mockery, clearly written on her lips. Fernánda immediately positioned herself to leave.
  • “Since you’re here, I’d better leave,” she said. I observed every single step of hers as she walked through the closet door. I even followed her, trailing her and watching her with all seriousness until she closed the main door behind her.
  • The moment she did that, I walked to the door and locked it. I didn’t want what just happened to repeat itself. Just then, my mind drifted to how I had saw her.
  • What had she been doing before I came in? 
  • Was she really fetching water for Zack?
  • Thus, this made me walk to Zack. He was still deep asleep on the bed and didn’t even bulge.
  • “Zack?” I called out his name, tapping him a little. “Z-Zack,” I said again, tapping him but he didn’t reply. That instant, I knew one thing. . .
  • Fernánda was obviously lying!
  • I immediately went to the closet and rambled and searched my belongings. I searched everywhere back and forth. I even picked Zack’s own too. But, I couldn’t find anything. 
  • Therefore, I tiredly sat on the floor. Perhaps I was just being delusional and Fernánda didn’t tamper with any of my things.
  • I thought.
  • I went to the bedroom. Zack had removed the pillow boundary we had placed there. I had no choice but to lay on the bed like that. I took the duvet and went underneath it.
  • All of a sudden, Zack wrapped his hands around me. It made me gasp at the sudden comfort it gave me. I moved to removed his hands but I was already sleepy. I yawned loudly and left his hands which snaked firmly around my waist.
  • I woke up in the evening with the bed empty. My head was still foggy as I tried to remember the day's events. I made a move to go to the balcony to clear my head.
  • It was then I remembered Zack had been drunk. As I opened the door to the balcony, cool breeze hit my face. Night had already began to fall and the stars shone so bright. 
  • I walked in and placed my hands on the slab.
  • “Couldn’t sleep?” I heard. I immediately gave away a startled shriek until I realized who had been talking.
  • It was Zack.
  • I stabled myself to recover from the shock before talking.
  • “Uhm, I slept so early, that was why,” I said with a sleek finger, running through my raven hair. I gestured myself to look at him. He was at the corner of the balcony. I watched as he walked towards me.
  • There was something different about him tonight. He looked more handsome, unique and sexy. I couldn’t place my hands on what had changed in him.
  • “How about you?” I asked him carefully. I knew he had a break down from something. He always drunk when he wanted to forget his pains and traumas. That was why I was careful with my words.
  • “I want to sleep but I can’t because it won’t come,” he said. I first held my words, I waited to see if he had any other thing to say. When he didn’t say anything, I went on.
  • “And why can’t you sleep?” I asked. 
  • “Because I have lots of bad thoughts on my mind,” he said. 
  • “I thought I could save my dad. But, I couldn’t. We hired a new doctor but he revealed that my dad had only few days to live. He is going to die any moment from now…” he trailed out bitterly. 
  • I moved closer to him. I knew he needed someone to hug. I wanted to be that person because I didn’t want to see him this way.
  • “I-“ he started out. I could see how tears gave away in his eyes. The moon light had illuminated his tears making them look like silver streaks.
  • “I-don't want him to-go,” Zack slurred out, already crying in between his words. With that, I hugged him instantly with my body pressing firmly against his. I could feel his hard chest against my supple breasts but I dismissed that thought away.
  • “Shh,” I consoled.
  • “It’s all going to be okay,” I made out again. He wrapped his hands more tightly around me and hugged me so deeply and passionately. I never knew he needed this hug so much. 
  • All of a sudden, I felt a hard lump, pressing in between my thighs. I instantly moaned out with pleasure.
  • Oh no, did I just do that?
  • Zack slowly withdrew from me. He grabbed my chin, watching me so adorably. Like I was all he had ever asked for. Our faces were just inches apart. I closed my eyes, liking the sensational feeling I was having. You couldn’t blame me, could you?
  • This is a man I love.
  • This was a man I so much adore. 
  • A part of me wanted him to kiss me. To take me to the bed and thrust in me deeply, showing me he was mine and I was his. 
  • Our lips entwined. The sexual pressure was just too much. This was a night it all let loose, judging from how he kissed me. He kissed me so roughly, tough with passion dripping into both of us like heavenly force.
  • I wrapped my hands around his neck and pressed myself against his bulge. I was really tired of keeping what I always wanted to do inside me. I wanted to let it out tonight.
  • He lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist, leaning on the balcony. I grinded my core with his manhood, loving every feeling it gave me. I didn’t feel bad for doing what I was doing. It rather made me feel good.
  • Because, I was with the one I loved, and nothing felt more beautiful than that.
  • ----------------------------------------------------
  • A/n Hi, there. How did you like this chapter? Don’t forget to leave a review if you liked this chapter. Merry Christmas in advance!!