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Chapter 29 - Even Tomboys Get Hurt

  • Zara
  • There was a time I thought I had so much in the palace figured out. I had to admit that I was wrong- I never knew of the family’s altar…Never knewof having to dressing in a certain way to the altar…And, definitely never knew of the bitch that stood ahead the altar chanting…
  • Her words are thoroughly abided. Even by the king himself and I wondered why. Here I was, caught like a deer in headlights, in the midst of this. What if I don’t want to be here? What if this wasn’t my belief? What if I preferred my beauty sleep?
  • Zack was beside me. when he greeted me, I had looked down shyly, also giving him silence treatment for not waking me up to come down here. I couldn’t comprehend the fact that Elizabeth had to wake me up.
  • “Zara…” Someone called me. I looked around only to pause at the front.
  • Her eyes were still outlined with dark pencils. This suited her eye brows which were raised a little at the finishing tip. Jaw, looked so sharp and cheekbones, which were characterized by its lengthy shape. In her hands were holy grey beads which she held with submission.
  • “Yes, Grandma Esmeralda?” I re[plied immediately.
  • “You’re the new bride, aren’t you?” I answered again.
  • “Then you will be leading this morning prayer. Go in front of the altar, rotate the incest’s pot seven times then pour the honey on that statue in the center.” Esmeralda ordered. I looked at Zack for support.  He nodded and I went forward. I took the incest pot and did exactly what I was told, then the honey too.
  • By the time I was done, Esmeralda started a song. Everyone definitely knew it, except from me. at that moment, I felt like a counterfeit.
  • Even when I was told to raise a song, I sung an English song which my sorry excuse for a voice. Growing up, I never knew how to sing, even with the lessons I was given. I had always rebelled at every practice because only the proper were told to attend this training.
  • I was anything but proper.
  • The altar worship was done and we prepared to leave. We were held by Grandma Esmeralda. She claimed she had something to say.
  • “There have been so many changes in the palace. And, I don’t like it. you all committed sacrilege by not keeping the altar tidy. But trust, I am going to change it since I’m back from Italy.” Esmeralda let out. “Oh, mamma mia! I had to ring the bell for everyone to come out. This is just so disorderly.” She completed. I watched all she snapped her fingers for the servants to refill the oil, honey and the incest.
  • The king left early. I hadn’t seen more of him these days. Queen Moretti was the one who mostly controlled everything and by the look of this, Esmeralda would take I from her. The keys to the safe was in Esmeralda’s possession.
  • I walked to my room alone. I dismissed my ladies-in-waiting after explaining that I wasn’t a baby who needed to be babysitted. Alejandro had arrived later this afternoon. He came to me to pay his respects. I’ve always had this welcoming feeling around him, even though he was somewhat the cause of our stay at Island Formentara—Zack came in. my face lit up a little. My tummy was beginning to house butterflies just by looking at the way he moved. He had this lean waist, backed up with muscles underneath. This complimented his broad but sexy chest and biceps. I could hold on to those muscles through today—
  • “Hey.” I briefly said. I grabbed my laptop and begun operating. “Hey.” He replied. I noticed how down-to-earth he appeared. Zack gave an uptight smile. This made me know that something was wrong somewhere. Why was he moody?
  • “I don’t know why I’m asking this but, are you okay?” I asked him. he sat on the bed, taking off his shoes. He placed them in his closet. “Yes, totally.” He replied. his words are like a well. So deep, hollow. That left you completely clueless. “You could share—”
  • “Are you sure?” I asked again.
  • “What are you? My mummy?” It’s a yell and I shook a little. What was with the sudden attitude? He walked swiftly to the inner room.
  • I debated whether I should go and see him or not.
  • What if I go and he shouts at me? I didn’t want that cause, “Even tomboys get hurt.” In spite of all the stoned-faced personality we put on, we could be mushy in person.
  • I decided to go see him. I’ll take all chances.
  • The moment I walked in the inner room; his hands spread out on the side of his head. It’s like he’s in total distress. His head is on the table. I think he noticed me because he raised his head. I moved closer and he faces me head-on.
  • “Look, Zara. I’m sorry for the way I reacted the other time. I’m presently having a hard time and I don’t know what to do.” He apologized.
  • “It’s okay, Zack. I understand.” I replied. I grabbed the second seat beside him then sat down beside him. “If you have any issues, you could share though. You could go with that saying, ‘A problem shared is half-solved’.” I retorted smartly. I stared at his eyes. They, as dark as ever, looked misty and lost.
  • “No, it’s nothing.” He defended again. I decided I wasn’t going to give up. Not on him…not this time.
  • “Hey, Zack?” I started all over again. He looked up at me in response.
  • “Whatever is it that’s going on, I want you to know I’m always here. I think—you should sometimes let down your walls. I want to help.” I admitted.
  • “I really want to help.” I added.
  • “M- My father’s dying.” I gasped. His words were like needles. They caught me with huge surprises.
  • “I’m- so sorry, Zack” I mumbled. His father was dying? How? What caused it?
  • The royal doctor said there’s no hope. That his illness was discovered too late. Said there was no means of helping him.” Zack said.
  • ‘No. just no! This is wrong…Way too wrong. Isn’t there something we could do to save him? we can call medical experts from around the world, Zack. We could—”
  • “Its no use, Zara. We have tried it all! I too wish there was something I could do. But there’s nothing.” He interrupted. I was getting too desperate when he pulled into a tight hug.
  • Through the tight hug, he mentioned something.
  • “I know my father hasn’t been the best of all fathers but I don’t want him to go. Not too soon.” I closed my eyes tightly. His cologne in a way soothed my numb feeling.
  • “N-ot t-oo soon.” Zack brokenly added again. I patted his back to encourage him.
  • Gosh, this was going to be hard. For someone as noble as him, family was very important. Family made him up. I knew this will affect him, bigtime.
  • I couldn’t imagine myself losing my mom. Talk less of my step-dad. Even though we weren’t bounded by blood, I had always considered him as my father. 
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • A/n Hey guys, I must sincerely express my apology for not updating on time. I had a lot on my plate to do, please kindly leave a review to support me. Thanks!!!! You are the best.