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Chapter 44 - Making Up

  • Zara
  • My head froze at a spot. 
  • What just happened?
  • Was this a dream?
  • How could I be pregnant?
  • “I am?” I said, wriggling my brows in confusion. I hadn’t gone to bed with any mal—
  • Gosh, it was Zack. My head instantly remembered. That night of our intense love making had resulted into a child nobody planned for.
  • “Yes, your highness. This is a great news you have to share with his majesty.” She said, closing her box of equipment. I watched as she gave me doses to take.
  • “Now, you should know this is a really delicate stage for the fetus. Therefore, you should avoid any toxic product that could cause harm to your child…” The doctor trailed out. I watched as she said everything. 
  • My body wasn’t just settled.
  • I hadn’t planned for any of this. I made a promise to bring my child to loving parents but right now wasn’t any of those things.
  • The doctor went saying she had a really important appointment to meet up with. While I just sat on my bed, thinking of how fucked my life had just become.
  • ===
  • “Who fathered that bastard, Zara? I haven’t touched you in a while now so I only need the truth!” 
  • It was Zack.
  • My ears didn’t hear right. I couldn’t believe he thought I actually slept around since he drifted away from me.
  • I could feel my blood boiling with anger inside. My fists balled as I stomped my feet closer to him. My hands lifted and gave him an abrupt slap.
  • “Don’t you ever address me like a whore, Zack! This pregnancy's a month and five days old which is around the period I lost my virginity to you, you dumbass!!” I cried out at the verge of losing it all.
  • For a brief moment, he remained silent. He didn’t say a word.
  • “You left me in a cold room to myself all these while because I confessed my love for you. What did I do wrong? Tell me!” I yelled at him. I could feel a serious migraine in my head so was I dizzy but I struggled to keep my eyes opened.
  • “You don’t understand, Zara,” he said.
  • “Then make me understand, Zack. I want to know why you ran off like that leaving me clueless with words like, “I could never love you, at least not in the way you want me to,” What’s that supposed to mean?” I questioned tightly.
  • My legs were becoming really weak from standing for a long while which I hated.
  • “I can’t love you, whenever I love people, they go away. Bad things always happen to people I love,” Zack said with his hands on his forehead like he was being driven crazy.
  • I felt sorry for him.
  • I had this urge to comfort him. I hated myself for ever making him feel this way in the first place.
  • “Where did you get that weird idea from, Zack?” I asked.
  • “I lost two people I loved dearly in my life time, Zara,” he said.
  • “Two? I only know of one which is your dad. Who is the second?” I asked with a hint of curiosity.
  • “Shanika, the real first born of my parents.” He replied. 
  • “What? You’re not the first child?” I asked him.
  • “No, she was. Shanika died at the tender age of 14. She had cancer which couldn’t be cured in spite of all the money my parents spent on her.” He added.
  • “Shanika meant a lot to me, we were so close. Then one day, she drifted into the thin air.”
  • “Do you know what her last words where?” Zack asked fiercely.
  • “What was it?” I asked, feeling sorry for his late sister.
  • “Don’t cry for me when I’m gone. Remember I now have peace which is nothing compared to this illness I battled with,” He voiced out so emotionally. Zack really looked physically worn-out.
  • “I’m sorry, Zack.”
  • “No, I’m sorry, Zara. I really hurt you that day with my words. I hope you find a place in your fierce heart to forgive me,” he said. My hands trembled as he said those words. It was like all I had ever hoped for in my sleepless nights had just come to past. 
  • “Y-You a-are?” I stuttered, asking him. He nodded at me.
  • “But—”
  • “No, Zack,” I interrupted, knowing what he was about to say. It was then I began putting two and two together. He didn’t want to lose people he loved… 
  • Did that mean he loved me?
  • Or was I just imagining things?
  • “The fact that you lost Shanika and your dad doesn’t mean you'll lose me. We don’t always get what we want in life, you know. We just have to make the most of every little pleasant situation we find ourselves in,” I said, taking his hands in mine. I walked and sat down on a nearby chair due to how dizzy I was beginning to feel.
  • My hands took his body in mine, pulling him into a hug.
  • “I want you to know that this is reality. You have me, I’m right here and I’m not going anytime soon,” I completed swiftly. His muscular hands tightened around me.
  • “Zara?” he called.
  • “Yeah?” I replied.
  • “I lov—”
  • I sprang up instantly, with a hand on my mouth, heading straight for the bathroom. It was a burning feeling I felt at the base of my throat. I felt so irritated at how everything seemed.
  • Emptying my contents into the basin, I wanted at every burning feeling it beheld.
  • Pain.
  • I hated that suffocating feeling it brought. It was due to my child definitely. Pregnancy caused morning sickness which were really tiring. Over the weeks, I thought I was down with some mild illness. I didn’t even know that I housed a child.
  • I felt a presence at my back. Next was a comforting hand at my back.
  • “Sorry, Zara,” he said. 
  • “I’m sorry for putting you in a situation you never planned for,” 
  • I could swear my ears didn’t hear right. Did Zack just own up to the baby we both made?
  • -------------------------------------------------
  • A/n  Hint time: Tragedy is about to strike in That Royal Betrothal. Don’t worry, no one’s gonna die again. Let’s just say a situation worse than death.
  • If you liked this chapter, I’ll appreciate a review.
  • Thanks, for your valuable coins, readers!!:)