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Chapter 7

  • Nora yelled as the fire from the cigarette he held sunk into the skin on her shoulder. It hurt so much and she struggled to get away from it but there was nothing she could do with her hands tied but cry.
  • “Please, please, stop,”
  • She cried.
  • “Stop? Do you want me to stop? You didn’t think of stopping when you took out my family? You didn’t think of stopping when they begged you to,”
  • He barked out and she recoiled in fear and pain.
  • “I didn’t do it,”
  • She managed to say before his fist settled in her face. She saw stars and almost blacked out from the intensity of the pain.
  • “What? You didn’t do it? Then who did?”
  • He questioned as he slapped her hard across the face.
  • “I don’t know,”
  • she cried out.
  • “You don’t know? You don’t know? You dare tell me that?”
  • He yelled in her face.
  • “Yes, I didn’t do it. I told you already that I don’t know what you are talking about, I didn’t do anything wrong, I am innocent,”
  • Nora cried. She barely had any strength left, she wanted it all to end already, she knew she was going to die and wanted the death to come faster but all she felt was pain. How can death not just come fast and only watch her suffer torments from the hands of the devil? No matter how she cried, he didn’t stop torturing her, he had no mercy or pity, he wiped her, slapped her, and dragged her hair all the while yelling for her to tell him the people that sent her, she had the same answer but he refused to listen to it.
  • “Let me go, I am innocent,”
  • She cried wearily.
  • “You will speak the truth to me. I am not buying that lie you are spitting, I know the likes of you enough, and you are going to die anyway so why are you still protecting them so much? It is clear that they don’t even care about you seeing how they left you unprotected when you shouldn’t even be allowed back to the country where there is a guarantee that you would be found and tortured for the sins you committed. do you still want to protect their interest?”
  • He asked. If only she knew who he was talking about but she had no idea who he was talking about and what they did to his family to turn him into the monster that he was right now.
  • “I am not protecting anyone, I don’t know who you are talking about, this is my first time in this country, you have to believe me, I really don’t have any idea what you are talking about or why I am been beaten to death,”
  • She let out in painful frustration, he didn’t believe her, he walked away for a moment and came back with a key, he unlocked her chain and pushed her to her feet, her legs gave way and she landed on the floor, he kicked her hard before lifting her off the floor, she knew what was coming next as he pushed her on the huge chair.
  • “AHHHHH!!!”
  • She cried in pain when she sat on the chain, it was electrifying, it stopped for a moment but the pain she felt did not stop. He chained her to the seat and took a step back.
  • “Is this not you?”
  • He asked and she slowly lifted her head to see who he was talking about, she could barely make out the photo because her vision was clouded but she knew that wasn’t her in the photo, yes, they had similar features but she looked nothing like the woman in the picture. They really brought her here in place of someone else who might still be free right now while she suffered the consequences of her actions.
  • “That’s not me,”
  • She managed to say.
  • “Liar!”
  • He barked out in anger.
  • “It is really not me. I swear to God, it is not me, I don’t know who that person is, you have to believe me that you got the wrong person, you can check to confirm, it is not me,”
  • Nora cried in a pleading voice but he refused to listen to her. She felt wronged. She didn’t deserve to be treated like this because of the sins of others. The ringing of a phone stopped whatever he was about to do to her. He looked from the phone to her.
  • “I will go take this call and be back, when I come back, you better be ready to tell me those who sent you to kill my family or you will be dead and by morning your body would be thrown into the cold rivers where fishes and sea bodies will feast on your remains and no one will ever be able to find a trace of you ever,”
  • He threatened as he walked away. Nora knew he meant what he said and if she wanted to live, she ought to find a way out of there before he gets back. But the problem she had was so much, not only was she chained but she also was almost out of strength, she knew her chances were less than five percent but she didn’t want to just sit and wait to die so she struggled to get the chains off. She realized it had been unlocked. He left it unlocked when he had moved her to the chair, she took a deep breath and stood up, she struggled to get the chains off her hands and was almost free but then realized the one on her right leg was attached to the chair. Which means she had to move the chair to get away. She had no time for that so she gathered all her strength and pulled her leg. Bad idea because the huge chair she had been seated on fell on her legs, trapping her there.
  • “AHHHHHHAAA!!!!”
  • Nora cried out in pain. She felt numb from her waist down as darkness clouded her eyes, she tried to fight it, knew she had to fight to stay alive but she couldn’t fight it for long and she slowly fell into a black hole of nothingness…