Chapter 216 Will You Let Me Photograph You One Of These Nights?
- Annie and Marc have been married for two years, childless, and seemingly have no plans to have one soon. Annie is a well"known fashion designer, to everyone but me, and Marc is an architect who designs large"scale buildings. It's no wonder he and Diego get along. He's attractive in a nerdy way, with short brown hair and designer glasses. But you can see he's well"built underneath his clothes. Married Marc is a muscular nerdy architect. Charlotte and the other Marc have been together for ten years, but they're not married. Both were models. Charlotte retired a few years ago, but Marc still takes jobs, mainly for clothing companies. They live an hour away, where Charlotte will take over her family's vineyard. She brought three of the bottles we drank tonight. Isabelle and Joel actually dated for a short time, a long time ago. Isabelle is Isabelle Monteblanc, the famous dancer, again, to everyone but me, apparently, whose career was cut short by a riding accident. I'm not sure what she does now, but it seems like she comes from a lot of money."
- "Prudence!"Margo shouts from the other side of the table, and suddenly switches to English. "Diego says you live on a farm."
- Yes, within this mix of impressive resumes... I'm Prue, living on a farm. I hadn't felt out of place during dinner, until now.