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Chapter 61

  • Day One
  • “Come in Cassidy,” Eddie O’Neal said.
  • Moments later, you were sitting on the most expensive leather couch you’ve ever seen in a sleek, designed office of Boston’s biggest Skipper, Eddie O’Neal. He had ordered your father to send you because your father had borrowed a large sum of money and was trying to get out of paying it back. Eddie told you that you that you would be held until your father pays back his debt in full. You complained and cried, but Eddie told you that no harm would come to you and that you could go home to daddy as soon as your father paid off every penny. He then told you he was going to have you taken to one of his mansions outside the city by his one of his drivers, who walked in after Eddie sent for him. You had been protected all your life, held into innocence by a strict upbringing, and even at twenty, you had seen so little of the world. You were scared for your life, but there was also a tinge of excitement.
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