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Chapter 21

  • “That’s it, Michael, you’ve lost your damn mind,” Carlina said briskly as her hands flew across the fabric in front of her, wielding a large pair of scissors that seemed to slide through it like a hot knife through butter. He sat wide legged on her tiny couch, quirked a brow as he sat forward, a hand smoothing over his beard. “Careful. I have limits of disrespect I’ll tolerate, even from you.”
  • Carlina huffed as she sat back on her haunches. “Sorry. I just worry about you. You have a family and business to look after, it’s a lot easier to do when you’re not behind bars.” That earned her a slow small smile, prompting her to continue, “you said it yourself, Chief’s too upright to be bought off. If you try too hard, he’ll squeal, and you’ll have him breathing down your neck, then the Feds.” Carlina resumed cutting, neatly bundling the pieces in folders with the customer names and notes.
  • It was the methodical way she moved that Michael focused on, graceful and so assured.
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