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Chapter 16

  • It was certainly a test of Clyde’s jealousy. A meet where he'd opted to bring Ella along, having tried to avoid it once she'd gotten used to not working nights, knowing full well she'd run on fumes before saying anything otherwise.
  • Dixon drove, exchanging looks with his boss the entire journey in the rearview mirror, looking far too pleased with himself when Clyde fought a smile.
  • As soon as Frank saw a suited Frank, he knew exactly who would be following him. However, he was surprised to find he wasn't alone, a familiar brunette quite obviously trying to resist the urge to knock him over with a hug. As they went through the usual pleasantries, sorting out the check-in, James rounded the desk to show them up to the suite. The foyer was empty, so he chanced a quick hug with his friend. “Wow, you look...” he waited till he could finish his sentence muffled in her hair “...happy.”
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