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Chapter 94 Prelude

  • POV: Amaia.
  • When Jessie arrives, just before noon, she hands me the schedule for the night. It seems that Mondays will be another day of work like the rest of the week. My private performance is scheduled for late at night, as before that I will have to dance together with my friend in the main hall. We quickly agree on the number we will perform and then I decide to go home to eat something, that way I can also spend some time with Audrey. I leave everything ready for my return and leave the club without telling anyone, anyway, I fulfilled Richard's request and he never told me I had to stay until night.
  • I cross the hall and remember the stranger for whom I will dance in a few hours. I still don't know what to think about him. Could he be one of those arrogant millionaires who believe they have the right to go further, just because they pay for a service? He didn't give me that impression, but I prefer not to make preconceived ideas and then be disappointed, after all, his imposing presence captivated me without resistance.
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