Chapter 493 His Sin Was Not Just Oversight
- "Well, Dalton's face is attractive." Dalton has always been cunning, in my opinion. It doesn't really matter whether he has a dark side as long as Wynter likes him. "Are you not the same age as Dalton, Sebastian? You must thus know him better than we do. "Me? I would say not as good as Tobias. When Toblas first saw Dalton, I recall that he sobbed for a whole day! Therefore, it surprises me when Dalton gives in to Wynter's demands. Sebastian suddenly asked an inquiry. "Are you certain that Wynter was the one who went after him?" "It seems that way," Tobias texted back.
- But Sebastian thought it needed further confirmation. But Tobias wasn't primarily interested in talking about this with his brothers. Now that their oldest brother, Albert, had joined their group chat, he wanted to tell everyone about Marie that Wynter had told him. The group's mood abruptly became gloomy as Tobias told his older brothers—with the exception of Elliot, who was not present—about Wynter's conjecture. When the four older brothers received Tobias' message, their faces immediately became icy.
- "So, Wynter is implying that her kidnapping and Mom's illness were planned behind the scenes?" Under his gold-rimmed glasses, Sebastian, who had been engaged in a spirited conversation at the Hawford Legal Elites, abruptly became chilly. The most unusual member of the Quinnell family was Sebastian Quinnell. He didn't exhibit the usual Quinnell qualities of directness and honesty as the others did. Rather, he exuded an unusual manner that frequently exposed a darker side. Regardless of the issues he took on, Sebastian's smile was usually benign ever since he left the Quinnell family and became an attorney.