Chapter 458 Taking Retribution
- Lana peered up suspiciously, as if sensing something within the medical building. "There's someone here, Lana!" Her twin cautioned. “I feel a divine presence in the air!” Lana growled, giving Wynter a savage look as she raged. You called for assistance! You lied to us!” She looked crazy. "Like the others, you lied to us!" When she paused, her fingers had just touched Wynter's neck as she reached out to strangle her. Neither did Wynter conceal. "If you can't remember the person's face, pick between non-celebrity guests one and three," she remarked bluntly as she stepped in front of Lana.
- "What?" Lana couldn't understand. Wynter's eyes grew gloomy. "I promised to teach you how adults play their games. The person you want to get revenge on is probably one of the two non-famous males there, as they are unlikely to be among the celebrity visitors. "I think number three looks more menacing than number one." She went on, "He's middle-aged and appears to be a potential father," in a calm and clear manner. At first, I wasn't certain. But I guess I can let you exact your revenge now that my acquaintance is here. Lana stopped. “Revenge?” Wynter’s gaze fell on Lana as she reached out to touch the latter as if she could comfort the twins.
- Resolve your resentment and step into the light. You may take your revenge or have him apologize on his knees. Either one can be accomplished by me. Lana gaped at her, appearing quite charming. “So you weren’t lying to us?” "Obviously not," Wynter said, chuckling slightly. "The individual who entered the premises just now is really beneficial to me." I wouldn't be able to get even with you without him. He can assist in hiding my identity now that he's here. tunes as I'm working. Lana's eyes had shadows beneath them. "Is it possible for us to get even?"